Maoism and the Chinese Revolution
Immanent critique
- Finds contradictions within categories
- Explores how these result from social contradictions
- Extracts useful, discards the rest
In Practice
- Mass campaigns against symptoms of state capitalism
- Constrains and subjugates self-activity to party and capitalist relations
- Overthrow by right after movement demobilized
Mao's Critique
- Sees symptoms of state capitalism
- Critiques inherited Stalinist categories with "synthetic cognition"
- Retains commitments to
- Party as embodiment of class consciousness
- Marxism as objective science
- State capitalism as path to socialism in one country
In contemporary MLM tradition, categories sometimes dogmatic
- Content assumed
- Presuppositions unexplored
- Applications unelaborated
- Subordination to imperialist powers
- Peasant revolts, proletarianization, workers' movement
- Directed by comintern, CCP fuses with KMT
- KMT purges workers movement and communists
- Pivot to countryside & independent development
- Long March to Yenan
- War with Japan
- Theoretical and practical development
- Mass Line
- United front
- New Democracy
- Dialectics and philosophy
- Protracted People's War
- Nationalization and collectivization
- Khrushchev's secret speech, Hungarian revolt
- Hundred Flowers campaign
- Anti-Rightist campaign
- Ideology
- Great Leap Forward
- Famine
- Sino-Soviet Split
- New notion of socialist transition
Cultural Revolution
- Red Guards
- Shanghai commune & 3-in-1 committees
- Shengwulien & "ultra-left"
- Death of Mao, arrest of Gang of Four