Light bulb
According to historians, two dozen people were instrumental in inventing incandescent lamps throughout the 1800s.
Thomas Edison is credited as the primary inventor because he created a completely functional lighting system, including a generator and wiring as well as a carbon-filament bulb.
World Wide Web
The Egyptian Ebers Papyrus from 1550 BCE and the Kahun Papyrus from 1850 BCE have within them some of the earliest documented descriptions of birth control. Acacia leaves, honey and lint were placed in the vagina to block sperm.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist and former Cern employee, is considered the inventor of the Web. On 12 March, 1989, he wrote a proposal for what would eventually become the World Wide Web.
Alexander Graham Bell was the first to be awarded a patent for the electric telephone in 1876. The first successful bi-directional transmission of clear speech by Bell and his assistant Thomas Watson was made in March 1876.
The wheel was invented in 3500 BC and facilitated agriculture and commerce by enabling the transportation of goods to and from markets. Wheels have transformed our lives, and are used in everything from clocks to vehicles.
Paper was invented in ancient China during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) and spread slowly to the West via the Silk Road.
Chemists purified it and developed the drug Penicillin, which fights a huge number of bacterial infections in humans without harming the humans themselves. It was being mass produced and advertised by 1944.
The principle of the modern computer was first described by computer scientist Alan Turing, who set out the idea in his seminal 1936 paper, On Computable Numbers.
Prezi was officially established in 2009 by co-founders Adam Somlai-Fischer, Peter Halacsy and Peter Arvai.
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The modern form of the internal combustion engine came around in the latter half of the 19th century
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Internal combustion engine
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The compass was invented by the Chinese between the 9th and 11th century. It was originally made from lodestone, a naturally magnetised piece of the mineral magnetite.
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