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Uranium Energy

Uranium, which is used for nuclear reactions,is a mineral found in the Earth's crust in the spots around the globe.Major producers include:




*United States

*South Africa


In uranium's early days as an energy source,the mineral was ussually extracted in open pit mines on the surface of the Earts. This practice continued until the 1960s when most minning moved underground.

What is Uranium?

Where does Uranium come from?

Uranium is a very heavy metal which can be used as an abundant source of concentrated energy.

Glorivee Parrilla De Leon


Profa.Evelyn Lugo

Where the energy is used?

Who uses nuclear power?

About 12% of the world's electricity is generated from uranium in nuclear reactors. This amounts to over 2500 billion kWh each year, as much as from all sources of electricity worldwide in 1960.

It comes from some 430 nuclear reactors with a total output capacity of about 375 000 megawatts (MWe) operating in 31 countries. Over 70 more reactors are under construction and another 170 are planned.

Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine all get 30% or more of their electricity from nuclear reactors. The USA has 100 reactors operating, supplying 20% of its electricity. France gets three quarters of its electricity from uranium


Nuclear power is primarily used for ship propulsion and electricity generation. About 15% of the world’s energy comes from nuclear power. Some countries rely on nuclear energy for the majority of their electric power.

It also plays an important role in medicine, industry, science, food preservation and agriculture:

Physicians use radioisotopes to identify and investigate the causes of disease. They also use them to enhance traditional medical treatments.

Radioisotopes are also used by industry to measure microscopic thicknesses, detect irregularities in metal casings and to test welds.

Archaeologists use nuclear techniques to date prehistoric objects and to locate structural defects in statues and buildings.

Nuclear irradiation of food (treating food with ionizing radiation that kills bacteria and parasites) causes less vitamin loss than canning, freezing or drying in food preservation, and it can cut down on food borne illnesses





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