Daily Life Of Ancient China
By: Alexis Burke
Life As A Farmer
- The ancient Chinese people had a very healthy diet
- Ancient Chinese people ate a little meat, or fish served with many vegetables
- They also ate duck, goose,dog,turtle,wild game,eggs,rice,wheat,noddles,etc.
- They ate many vegetables including, yams,soya,beans,broad,and turnip, as well as spring,onions, and garlic
- Farmers had a tough and difficult life
- A typical farmer lived in a small village of around 100 other family's
- The majority of the people in ancient China were peasant farmers
- Farmers worked day and night
- Farmers didn't own the land; usually the property was owned by the Nobel or, King
- In the north people grew wheat or millet while in the south they grew rice
- People in ancient China wore tunics
- Woman wore long tunics while men wore short tunics
- Most farmers were the colors dark blue or gray
- There was a big difference between the clothes of rich and poor
- Poor people made their clothing out of various plant fibers; their clothes were very stiff and, scratchy
- Rich made their clothing out of silk;their clothes were soft,beautiful, and richly colored
- Young girls had their feet painfully bounded to prevent their feet from growing because, small feet were considered attractive. This often caused their feet to become deformed and made it difficult to walk
- Three generations (grandparents,parent, and children) usually live in the same house
- Tea became an important part of Chinese culture around the 2nd century. It was called "cha"
Life In The City
The rest of the family
- A big part of the Chinese family was the respect of their elders
- The respect continued even after people died
- Sometimes when a baby girl was born she was put outside to die if the family didn't want her
- Life was much different for people who live in the city
- People in the cities worked a variety of jobs inducing,merchants, craftsmen, government officials, and scholars
- The cities of China were surrounded with formidable walls made from packed dirt
- Each night the city gates were locked shut and no one was allowed to enter or leave the city after dark
- Jewelry in ancient China was worn by both men and woman
- Jewelry was made out of jade,sliver,gold,clay, and coins but, the most popular was jade
- Fashion in any culture changes with time; the history of ancient China covers 11,000 years!
- During Han times, women started using a rouge, which was something like lipstick
- Men had topknots. They shaved their heads except for the hair right in the center of the top of their head, which they let grow long; then they wrapped it up in a knot.
- Only wealthy boys attended to go to school
- Even rich girls didn't go to school
- They learned how to write using calligraphy,studied poetry, and learned about the teachings of Confucius
- These were important skills for government officials, and the nobles
- The majority of the boys in ancient China didn't go to school instead, they worked in the fields from an early age.
Life Of Men And Woman
- No matter witch dynasty family was in was in charge in ancient China, homes all over China had a lot in common
- The actual layout of an ancient Chinese building was similar whether it was a home of a rich family, a poor family, a temple, or a place
- Most houses had pounded earth foundation and timber frames, with walls and floors made of brick, earth, or wood
- The main door of a house always faced south
- Kitchens were usually in a little area or building separate from the house
- The father of the family ruled the house
- Everyone was required to obey and listen the father at all times
- Life of woman in ancient China was especially difficult
- The mother usually took care of the house and raised the children
- Woman had no say in who they would marry