The End
Literal Translation
- Go: worthy of honor
- Honzon: object of fundamental respect
What is written on the Gohonzon?
The Gohonzon
- center: Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Nichiren
- all the 10 worlds
Literal Translation
- Nam - from Sanskrit, to devote oneself
- Myoho - the Mystic Law
- Renge - Lotus Flower
- Kyo - sutra, or teaching
"I devote myself to the Mystic Law of Cause and Effect"
- scroll in the middle of the altar
- enshrined in "butsudan"
- doesn't have inherent power
- object to focus on, reflects our own lives, acts as mirror
- only onsistent object of devotion
Ceremony in the Air
- chanted at the beginning of the meeting
- important part of daily practice
- practice is based on Lotus Sutra
- ceremony in the air took place from chapter 11 to chapter 22
- chanting is our way of joining the "ceremony in the air" personally,
tapping into wisdom of the Lotus Sutra
Basics of Buddhism