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Aztec and Inca Empires, Compare and Contrast
Lesson Plan for EDUC 550
- What I Learned, What Students Learned
- Strengths and Weaknesses
- Role of Tech (Or Lack of Tech)
- Homework Assignment
- Maya Prezi
- Complete 3rd Portion of Matrix
Phase IV- Culmination
- Metacognition Reflection and Praise
Phase III- Learner Driven
- Students complete Compare and Contrast Matrix.
- Information presented in Presentation
Phase II- Teacher Driven
- Teacher Presents Areas of Each Empire for Compare and Contrast.
- Creation Stories, Time Period, Location, Language, Technological Innovations.
Phase I-Motivation
Learning Objectives
- Access Funds of Knowledge
- Creation Story Parallel
• By the end of the lesson students will be able to compare and contrast the Aztec and Inca Empires with respect to Creation stories, Time Period, Location, Language, Technological Innovations, in a graphic organizer
Learning Theory Applications
- Constructivist Theory.
- Behaviorist
Learning Materials
Content Based Literacy Skills
- Compare & Contrast.
- Discovery.
- Understand Major Global Trends 1000-1500 CE.
- Expansion of States and Civilizations in the Americas 1000-1500 CE.
- Interpret and Critically Evaluate Events in Historical Context.
New Media Literacy Skills
Learning Accommodations
- Goleta Valley Jr. High School
- 762 Students.
- 45% Caucasian, 45% Hispanic, 5% Asian , 5% African American.
Connor Levoff
June 3, 2016