Gordon Stuckless Case
The Politics Against Consecutive Sentencing
- Plead guilty to 22 counts of indecent assault and 2 counts of sexual assault over a 20 year period.
- Victims were all boys between 10-15 years old
- Victims experienced depression, trauma, self-hatred, fear, and suicide attempts
Child Predators Face Longer Sentences
Fiscal Imprudence
The daily cost of inmates:
- Federal: $357
- Provincial: $171
Austin J.A. (Concurring in Result)
- Agrees with 1st error
- Disagrees on 2nd error
- The trial judge relied heavily upon the vagueness and uncertainty of the evidence
New Sentence: 6 years with 1 yr credit
- Errors resulted from reduced emphasis on the aggravating factors
- Served concurrently
All Those Serial Pedophiles
Persons who commit multiple sex offenses against children may currently receive a dangerous offender designation, which can serve to keep them away from society indefinitely, without the need to introduce consecutive sentencing.
Offenses Against Children
To The Rest of the Code
Proportionality and Public Opinion
Criminal Code s. 718.1: Proportionality
Criminal Code s. 718(d): Rehabilitating Offenders
- reintegration vs. alienation
Pressuring Judges towards instituting harsher sentences
Original Sentence
- Original trial judge sentenced Gordon to 2 yrs less a day & 3 yrs probation
- Lack of violence on the part of the offender
History of Sentencing in Canada
Abella J.A. & Borins J.A. (Concurring)
- The unreasonableness of the sentence flows from two errors of reasoning:
1) Lack of force or violence = lower end of the spectrum of sexual assaults.
2) General deterrence has no role in sentencing pedophiles, thus primary consideration should be given to rehabilitation
Concurrent & Consecutive Sentencing
The Basics
- Principles in the Criminal Code
- Visible part of the Justice System
- Political
Legal Argument Against Consecutive Sentencing
- Sentencing Considerations & Process
- Societal context
- Benefits for individuals and society
Political Argument
• Over the past 30 years, most Canadians believe that sentencing practices are too lenient (Public Opinion Sentencing)
- Judicial Discretion and Leniency
- Separation of Politics and Judiciary
- Big Problems and Discrepancies
- Conservatives politicizing issue
Current Proposals
- Consecutive Sentences vs. Concurrent Sentences
- Are these proposals in line with the goals of sentencing in the Criminal Code?
- Is this a political move or one based on research?
- Does the public favour this legislation, and should public opinion play a role?
- Not just a Conservative issue (2005)
- Introduce legislation for consecutive sentencing for sex offenders
- Groups in favour: Conservatives, victims’ rights groups, the public?
- Groups against: Bar Associations, policy analysts
Sentencing Process
Sentencing Considerations and Process
Highly Discretionary
- Denounce
- Deter
- Separate Offenders from Society
- Rehabilitation
- Reparation
- Responsibility
Libertarian Values
s. 718.1 Proportionate to the gravity of the offence and the degree of responsibility of the offender
• Consecutive sentencing effectively makes sentencing harsher. As such, people will feel that they are getting Justice from the justice system
Benefits for individuals
Benefits for society
2/1 Shopping
The Harper Response
The Current Proposal
- Responsibility for multiple crimes
• “Tough on Crime”
• On December 2, 2011: Protecting Canadians by Ending Multiple Murders Act
- Individuals who are convicted of committing multiple murders serve their parole ineligibility period consecutively.
• Time to add consecutive sentencing with sex offenders
• Omnibus Crime Bill: to restore public confidence in the justice system
- Need more consecutive sentencing (Punishment severity and confidence)
• Taking into account offenses committed against multiple children
• "We're doing this because every victim matters, because every child matters,"
• "Our goal is a Canada where all of our children are safe all the time and everywhere."