Physical Features of West Africa
Kalli Rubin; Comp. Hour: 4; Social Hour: 5
Physical Features of West Africa
- West Africa goes through the Sahara to the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea
- The climate isn't always the same
- The main physical features are plains and rivers
More Info on Niger River
The Niger River
Plains and Highlands
- Brings life-giving water to West Africa
- People from farms fish along the banks of the river
- Important transportation route during the rainy season
- The river floods and flows smoothly over its rapids
- This river is actually hundreds of miles from the coast in Mali
- People can raise crops or animals in the interior plains
- A area in the Southwest have plateaus and cliffs
- The only high mountains are the Tibesti Mountains
- People build houses in the cliffs
- This is the most important river
- It starts in low mountains and goes 2,600 miles into the Gulf of Guinea
- Important transpertation route
- Partway through the river splits into channels, swamps, and lakes
Climate and Vegatation
- The climates are zonal; "organized by zone"
- The Sahel is a strip of land that divides the desert from wetter areas
- Steppe climate
- the Sahel is becoming a desertification which means desertlike conditions
- A savanna has tall grasses and scattered trees and shrubs
- Include agricultural products such as oil and minerals
- Climate is good for agriculture
- Coffee, coconuts, peanuts, and chocolate are the regions main exports
- Oil is the most valuable resource