Our Reflection Of The
Year Commercial
By: Ian R.Pearlita G. Adam R.Chang L.
Sharing The Planet
We learned to share our planet
with animal's,and other's.We
need to make a difference in the
world.Here is some facts so you
can help don't litter,pollute,
hurt others,and respect.
Very interesting...
We the kids learned about
beliefs and values of our
families.In this unit we also
learned about responsibility
,cultures, friends,especially
communities.The most important thing we learned
is humans need each
Where We Are In Place and Time
These kids Adam,Ian,
Pearlita,and Chang.
Learned about human discov-
ies,about personal histories,
homes,and journeys.The most
important great journeys of
human kind.
How The World Works
How We Express Ourselves
We learned patterns in motion,force and motion
These kids learned about art and stories strange.
- We learned to express ourselves in art form.For example:We made abstract art,marble art,dab art,and others.
nature made things like fractals.Or human made like shirts.Learned about different patterns that taught us about the world and patterns create nature like fractals or human made ones that we have.
Thank you for reading!!!!!!
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