Casey is a really cool person
Casey Neistat: What you don't see by Dũng
The career
The life
Casey Owen Neistat ( born March 25 1981) is an American Youtube personality, film maker. Neistat and his brother Van are the creators of the HBO series The Neistat Brothers.
He was born Gales Ferry, Connecticut on March 25, 1981
Neistat had a son, Owen when he was 17, then-girlfriend Robin Harris. On February 18, 2013, Neistat became engaged to Candice Pool, who is feature in many of his films, they were married on 2013. together they a daughter, francine
Prior to moving to New York City, Neistat worked as a dishwasher at a restaurant and short order cook in Mystic, Connecticut. His first job in New York City was as a bike messenger.
Youtube career:
On Febuary 17 10 he uploaded a video when and when not to use emeemergency brake cord on trains cars in the New York city subway.
Daily vlog:
Neistat started to post daily vlogs on YouTube on March 24, 2015