The Dynastic Cycle in China
- The old dynasty is overthrown through rebellion & bloodshed
- A new dynasty emerges
- The now old dynasty is seen as having lost the Mandate of Heaven
- Rebellion is justified
- A strong dynasty establishes peace and prosperity
- It has the Mandate of Heaven
- In time, the dynasty declines & becomes corrupt
- Taxes are raised
- Its power grows weaker
- A cycle is a series of events that are repetitive or seem to go in a circle
- c. 1027 BCE: The Zhou people overthrew the Shang Dynasty in China
- The Mandate of Heaven: the belief that the gods gave a just emperor divine authority to rule over the people
- Mandate: a command or instruction from a higher authority
- The new dynasty gains power:
- Restores peace & order
- Claims the Mandate of Heaven
- The Dynastic Cycle begins again....
- Disasters occur:
- Floods
- Famines
- Peasant Revolts
- Invasions