Union Bank Frontrunner in Overall MBE Procurement
Supplier Diversity Industry Alphabet Soup
National Tier 1 & 2 Procurement with MBE's
Union Bank Deposit Market Share in CA %
Data obtained from Greenling February 2014
Escaping the Old Boy Network: The Banking Industry & Supplier Diversity
Corporate Uphill Challenge in Supplier Diversity
Data obtained from Greenling February 2014
Escaping the Old Boy Network: The Banking Industry & Supplier Diversity
Linked In: Pamela Isom
Twitter: @pam_ICESafety
Facebook: Pamela Isom CEO
Facebook: ICE Safety Solutions Inc.
Data obtained from Greenling February 2014
Escaping the Old Boy Network: The Banking Industry & Supplier Diversity
3 out of 4
Fortune 500 Companies launched Diversity Programs by the end of 1990's
8A, SBA, DUNS, CCR, Hub Zone, Veteran/Disabled Veteran, Woman Owned SB
DGS, Small Business (SB), WOSB
SLEB, Hub Zone, Small Business ( SB), SF Human Rights Commission
MBE, WBE, Veteran Owned, Disabled Veteran Owned, LGBTBE
- California Public Utility Commission:
- Transportation Airport, Cal Trans, Valley Transportation Authority, BART:
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise-DBE
- NEW: California Department of Insurance: MBE, WBE
Corporate Diversity & Inclusion Best Practices in SD
- Formal Leadership Commitment/ Involvement
- Corporate D&I objectives integrated in Business Plan
- Dedicated Diversity Professionals
- Effective Internal/ External Communication Plan
- Diversity Supplier Growth & Education Plan
- Supplier Diversity Goals & Objectives
- Social Networks/ Affinity Groups
- Corporate Accountability
- Diversity Initiative Assessment
Diversity & Inclusion Perspective
- D&I programs exist at most major corporations
- D&I literature Best Practice shared amongst SD Industry
- D&I Cost/ Benefit analysis challenging for areas of:
- # of Diverse Suppliers
- Procurement Spend
- Consumer Impact
- Corporations & Diverse Suppliers bifurcated regarding diversity progress
Corporate Member
Return on Investment
Pamela Isom
ICE Safety Solutions Inc.
WRMSDC MBE Input Committee
Immediate Past Chair
Union Bank MUFG
Community Advisory Board
Field Operations Committee
Supplier Diversity
What Is Diversity?
Diversity is more than race and social economic status.
It is teaming our strengths &
opportunities to exceed our goals & objectives.
Diversity Strategic Plan
Relationship Conflict
Task Conflict
Three Conflict Types
Process Conflict
Three Diversity Types
1. Relationship Conflict
2. Task Conflict
3. Process Conflict
Relationship Conflict:
Animosity or annoyance about non-task related issues
Example: Attacking team members based on communication style, cultural or political viewpoint differences
Effect: Depletes energy and effort, reduces time devoted to the task at hand. Increases turnover and absenteeism, results in poor performance and low commitment.
Task Conflict:
Disagreements about tasks being performed
Example: Team Members disagreeing about how to budget for specific activities or which merged company’s processes to use
Effects: Team benefits from increased debate about ideas and viewpoints, Helps avoid “ Groupthink”
Research Findings
Process Conflict:
Conflicts about who should be delegated to perform certain tasks
Example: Team Members disagreeing about who should be appointed to lead a newly set up a task force
Effects: A small amount improves performance because the right person can be assigned to the job
1. Social Category Diversity: Visible demographic characteristics (age, gender, ethnicity and race)
2. Informational Diversity: Expertise of the individual, educational level, organizational tenure and work experience
3. Goals & Values Diversity: Organization vs. Individual goals and underlying values teamwork
Initial Observations
- Informational Diversity will increase task conflict in the team, but increase team performance
- Social Category Diversity will increase relationship conflicts, but if valued and managed effectively will increase performance
- Values diversity increases conflict and decreases team morale and team performance
- Diversity introduces increased conflict
- The relationship between the following three areas impacts organizational performance
- Organizational Culture,
- The Business Strategy
- HR Practices
- Certain environments and business strategies enhance the effectiveness of diverse teams; others do not
Research Recommendations
Diversity & Performance
- Refine your own emotional and social intelligence
- Focus on Diversity Values of the team early and often
- Continuously develop ability to have tough conversations
- Build an Organizational Culture and human resource practices that will translate diversity into positive business results
- The Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania conducted a major Diversity Research project 1998-2002
- The Diversity Analysis Research Team (DART)
- Key Initial Observations
- Three Types of Diversity
- Three Types of Conflict
Talent Makes
Organizational Observations
Talent Makes the Difference
The success of today’s and tomorrow’s businesses depends more on human assets than on physical or financial assets.
Buildings, equipment, manufacturing facilities, and most technologies can be readily purchased.
However, the human talent and know-how needed to drive our knowledge-based industries are much harder to come by.
- Organizations that are not serious about diversity often fail to achieve their diversity objectives and then create “Paradigms to Justify Failure”.
- Organizations that “Make a Decision” to commit themselves to Diversity, generally succeed in achieving their stated Diversity Objectives.
- Organizations often separate the support they use in two Diversity related areas:
- Diversity Recruiting: Use a Search Firm to identify and hire Diverse Talent
- Workforce Diversity Initiatives: Select a Consulting Partner to study & improve their work culture
World of Work Trends
Organizational Observations
Employers can no longer expect employees to join them early in life and stay indefinitely. Firms must actively and creatively encourage good people to stay—especially in high tech markets.
- A trend toward free agency.
- The dissolving employer/employee contract.
- An intensifying need for technical skills.
- A growth in Internet recruiting.
- Demands for greater work-life balance.
More Jobs less Talent
Defining Diversity Success
Economic growth is outpacing the growth of the workforce:
- The U.S. Economy is growing at 2.4%
- The U.S. labor force is growing at 1.2%
Demographic Shifts
Being Truly Committed To Diversity
By 2012 there will be 163 million jobs available and only 160 million people to fill those jobs.
Source: BLS
Diversity Critical Thinking Skills
This concept describes an ability to apply critical thinking skills to diversity issues.
It includes the ability to understand and articulate many of the complexities involved in effectively discussing and resolving diversity issues.
The supply of highly skilled technicians and professionals is being overwhelmed by demand, particularly in computer-related fields.
Retaining Talent
Creating a climate in which the potential advantages of diversity are maximized while the potential disadvantages are minimized.
- Taylor Cox
Demographic changes have made retention especially challenging.
Managers are Key to Retention
Defining Diversity
Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman stated the following:
Managers tromp companies.
If your relationship with your manager is fractured, then no amount of in-chair massaging or company-sponsored dog walking will persuade you to stay and perform. It is better to work for a great manager in an old-fashioned company than for a terrible manager at a company offering an enlightened, company-focused culture.
“Our greatest strength as a human race is our ability to acknowledge our differences, our greatest weakness is our failure to embrace them.”
- Judith Henderson
The U.S Department of Labor estimates turnover costs of about one-third of the new person’s salary. Among managerial and professional employees, the percentage increases dramatically.
Retaining Talent: Why People Stay
- Pride in the organization
- A respected supervisor
- Fair compensation
- Affiliation
- Meaningful work
Diversity Overview
Retaining Talent: Why People Leave
Diverse Talent Management Overview
- Organizational Observations
- Talent Makes the Difference
- Diverse Talent Life-Cycle Management Process
- Attracting & Retaining Diverse Talent
- Diversity Strategic Framework
- The company’s leadership shifts.
- Conflict with immediate supervisors.
- Unfavorable change of responsibilities.
Retention & the Service/Profit Chain
Phase IV: Measure Results
- Customer Loyalty drives Profitability and Growth.
- Customer Satisfaction drives Customer Loyalty.
- Value drives Customer Satisfaction.
- Employee Productivity drives Value.
- Employee Loyalty drives Productivity.
- Employee Satisfaction drives Loyalty.
- Internal Quality drives Employee Satisfaction.
Source: James Heskett, Thomas Jones, Gary Loveland, W. Earl Sasser, Jr. and Leonard Schlesinger, “Putting the service-profit chain to work”, Harvard Business Review 72.
- Measure results of implementing the DSP
- Identify Opportunities for Continuous Improvement
Phase III: Implement the Diversity Strategic Plan
- Implement Strategies (3-5 Year Plan)
- Insure consistency across departments
Diversity Strategic
Diversity Strategic Framework
Phase II: Develop a Diversity Strategic Plan (DSP)
- Define Ideal/Targeted Condition
- Develop Strategies to Close the GAP
Diversity Strategic Direction
Phase I: Determine Current Condition
- Conduct Focus Group Interviews
- Assess Diversity Key Performance Areas
- Representation & Performance across demographic groups
Driving Business Success
Diversity & Inclusion
Diversity Strategic Framework
Learning Objectives
- Identify a list of critical 21st century business & customer needs and increase participant knowledge of how to meet those diverse needs.
2. Provide action steps that will help transform perceived soft skills into hard business results and sustain progress towards diversity initiatives.
3. Present the Four Phased Diversity & Inclusion model which drives business success.
Eric Ellis M.A., President/ CEO
Integrity Development Co.
Phone: (513) 874-6836
Email: ericellis@integritydev.com
Attracting Diverse Talent
In this section we will review information on how
to attract and retain talent in five specific Diverse
- Hispanic/ Latino Americans
- African Americans
- Asian Americans
- Disabled Americans
- Female Americans
We will provide some additional information on
Hispanic/ Latino culture as an example of the kind of
information that strengthens your ability to work
successfully with diverse cultural groups