2. Starting office hours for questions
1. Booking a lunch & learn
3. Customizing & distributing user toolboxes
4. Getting some feedback with surveys
Next Steps
5. Celebrating some milestones!
6. Touching base whenever you need to!
Celebrate milestones!
Add some competition
Share the Success
Send out company wide report & progress
Get them involved
Ask for feedback and topic suggestions
Build a champion brand
Build a
User Toolbox
Growing PB Co's Employee Ambassador Program
PB Co in 2017...
Lunch & Learn
- Show the value of the program (Feel free to use our ROI calculator)
- Walk through how to use it & getting set up
- 15 more sign ups
- Increase engagement to 40%
- Increase brand awareness
- Drive conversions to website
- Get more eyes on content & website