How pollution effects Whales
By Mia McGuire
Ocean pollution is pollution that affects the oceans and ocean life through human causes. Examples of this include chemicals, dumping trash and creating noise.
Chemical Pollution
What can we do to help?
- recycle whenever we can
- stop dumping any trash into our oceans
- stop factories from dumping toxic waste into our world's oceans
- not use sonar as much as possible to prevent whales from getting confused and lost
- make people more aware of the problem, the more people involved the more whales we will save
Chemical pollution has major effects on whale's health. Oil spills complicate a whales immune system. Also Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) , or manmade chemicals that have been released through industrial practices result in many complications for whales. Even through laws have banned these chemicals already, PCBs break down very slowly and so much of it has been released into the oceans making it harm marine life. Many fish will become infected with PCB chemicals which the whales will eat. Since it stores food in it's blubber and blubber breaks down in times of stress much of the chemicals are released into its body causing more stress. Whales also don't have Enzymes that other animals have to help break down PCBs. Female Whales could also pass on PCBs to their young by the womb or though their milk.(watch video)
Pollution of Dumping
Many trash items are dumped into our worlds oceans making it hard for whales to survive. Many times Whales are caught and tangled in old fishing nets that have been thrown out into the sea. Also lots of plastic bags that are thrown into the ocean which whales will swallow and possibly choke on resulting in death. Factories will also dump there waste into the ocean which affects the whales health. It would also kill other animals in the ecosystem making it harder for the whale to find a food source.
Noise Pollution
Noise pollution has a huge affect on the whale population. Increased boat activity has made seismic searches and underwater sonar that make many noises in the ocean that confuse whales to go into seas that are not adequate for a whale's survival. Noise pollution also causes whales to get stranded on coastlines, killing them in the process. It also affects how they communicate with one another. This could be a problem for mating purposes. Also it could be hard for them to find food under conditions of noise pollution. ( watch video below )