So now that the war is over, now what?
How do you bring the country back together?
So who's plan won?
The country was now at a crossroads.
Lincoln was killed before any plan was
put in place. How would the country be
Effects of the Civil War
The Civil War had been fought for over 4 years, and both North and South saw dramatic changes as a result of the war.
- Factories, farms, cities were not damaged from fighting.
- Veterans came back home to their jobs.
- Factories and railroads expanded as a result of the war.
- Economy grew dramatically.
- Constant fighting in the South had destroyed factories, farms, homes, crops, railroads, cities, pretty much everything.
- Confederate money was now worthless, leaving most people with no money at all.
- Newly freed slaves joined veterans returning home looking for one of a very few jobs.
- The economy was destroyed.
We'll Never Know
The country needed to reunite, the period and plan for reuniting the country was called Reconstruction.
Abraham Lincoln was President and the most powerful Republican. That did not mean that everyone agreed with him. A group of Republicans had a different plan from Lincoln, they became known as the Radical Republicans.
On April 14, 1865, just 5 days after the surrender at Appomattox and while watching a play to relax, Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth.
Lincoln was removed from the theater and taken across the street where he died the next morning.
Lincoln's assassination was to be just one of 3. Vice President Johnson was spared when his attacker lost his nerve and fled before attacking. Sec. of State Seward was stabbed in the neck, but survived due to a splint protecting his neck.
After fleeing from the theater and hiding out for 12 days Booth was surrounded and shot during a standoff with Union troops
Lincoln's death shocked the country and left many wondering if this awful time could ever end.
Radical Republicans Plan
Lincoln's Plan
- Reunite the country quickly, and let the Southerners rule themselves.
- A state could be allowed back into the Union when 10% of its people take an oath of allegiance to the US.
- Private property, except for slaves, would not be taken by the Union.
- All citizens except for high ranking Confederate officals would be given a full pardon.
- Punish the South for the war.
- States could rejoin when 50% of their citizens take an "ironclad oath," if you signed you were swearing you never "voluntarily" supported the Confederacy.
- Creation of the Freedman's Bureau to help former slaves & poor whites.
- Take land from plantation owners then allow African Americans to lease 40 acres of it from the Freedman's Bureau.
- Laws protecting the rights of African-Americans.