- 150 out of 200 Mexican and Indian rebels were killed and mutilated
- January 19, 1847: Toas rebellion breaks out.
- Governor Bent and others were murdered
- Revolt spread to Turley's mill near Arroyo Hondo
- Sterling Price marched to Taos after defeating rebels at Santa Cruz de la Canada and Embudo.
The Begining
Tensions and Conflict Arise
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
- Natives and Mexicans opposed newly established American government.
- Resistances begin to stir.
- Signed in 1848
- Ended the Mexican-American war
- Indians who didn't leave became U.S. citizens
- Manifest Destiny became a reality in Taos
- Mexican-American war begins
- August 1846: Kerny marches into Santa Fe, claims New Mexico for the US
- Americans take Mexican and Indian lands
- American soldiers abuse relationships with Indians
The Taos Revolt of 1847
By: Marie Adams, Tilcara Webb and Kiara Montoya