National Parks in Hungary
Flora and fauna
Hortobágy National Park
Culture and tradition
National Parks
- migrating birds
- 340 bird species
- of which 160 species nest in the National Park
- migration of the cranes in the autumn
- Hortobágy National Park
- Kiskunság National Park
- Bükk National Park
- Aggtelek National Park
- Fertőőőőőö-Hanság National Park
- Danube-Drava National Park
- Körös-Maros National Park
- Balaton Uplands National Park
- Danube-Ipoly National Park
- ŐÖrség National Park
A national park is a park in use for conservation purposes. Often it is a reserve of natural, semi-natural, or developed land that a sovereign state declares or owns. Although individual nations designate their own national parks differently, there is a common idea: the conservation of wild nature for posterity and as a symbol of national pride.
Flora and fauna
Hortobágy National Park
- Hungarian grey cattle
- Water buffalo
- Raczka sheep
- Mangalica pig
- Nonius horse
- Gentiana pneumonanthe
- Salvia
Hungary has 10 national parks, 145 minor nature reserves and 35 landscape protection areas. This list includes national parks only.
The Hortobágy National Park, the Aggtelek National Park and the Fertö-Hanság National Park are also UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Features of the National Park
- alkaline grasslands
- meadows
- smaller and bigger marshes
The caves of karst
Aggtelek National Park
- Cave tours
- Special guided tours on the surface
- Philharmonic and chamber music in the Baradla Cave
- Gömör-Torna Folk and Art Festival
- Baradla Cave
- Imre Vass Cave
- the Béke Cave
- the Rákóczi Cave
Flora and fauna
Features of the National Park
- Fire salamander
- Hucul pony
- Eastern imperial eagle
- White-throated dipper
- Grey wolf
- Anemone
- Old world swallowtail
- Aggtelek Karst was covered with a warm sea
- deposited calcareous shells
- caves of the karst began to evolve
- More than 1200 caves are known in the karst.
- Swallets, dolinas, and blind valleys can be found on the karst plateaus and slopes.
Anna cave in Lillafüred
Culture - Hollókő
Bükk National Park
- 23-17 million year old fossils
- teeth of 24 different species of sharks
- the teeth of crocodiles and dolphins
- an almost 100 m tall petrified pine
- more than 15,000 subtropical, exotic leaves
- 3,000 animal footprints of 11 species
Flora and fauna
Features of the National Park
- Ophrys insctifera
- Saker
- Trout
- Deer
- Boar
- Lynx
- various karst formations: limestone
- particularly caves
- swallow-holes
- ravines
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