1) Use the CS method in teaching ESP to physicists
Case Design
2) Oral discussion of results is recommended
Find a case
Language Skills
1) Introduction (optional)
2) Background information
3) The problem or problems (optional)
4) Sample solution
5) Questions and tasks
3) Use it as a controlled exercise
Simplify the case
Pre-case activities
- reading
- listening
- writing
- speaking
Approbation of the Case
How to Conduct a Case
Pre-case activities
Conduct a case
Features of
a Good Case
+ related to the specialty
+ up-to-date
Professional Skills
Case Study
- analytical skills
- practical skills
- communicative skills
- creativity
The case was interesting - 83%
The case was useful - 83%
Skills used while working on the case:
Thank you
for your attention
reading for specific details, analytical skills and critical thinking - 66.67%
A case study (CS) is a simulation of a true-to-life situation and some problem to solve in which students analyze information and create ways of dealing with it
reading for the gist, communicative and speaking skills - 50%
The Case Study Method in Teaching English to Students of the Physics Department