Treaty of Iran-Iraq was signed
- March : Iran started new offensive against Basra and crosses the Tigris River, but is driven back.
- Iran fires missiles at Baghdad in retaliation for Iraqi air raids on Iranian civilian targets.
- September: Iran seized more territory around Majnoon.
- May: Iran began a counteroffensive, forcing Iraqi forces back on the central and northern fronts.
- October: Iran started drive on the Iraqi-held port of Khorramshahr.
- Jan. 6: President Hussein(Iraq) called for peace.
- Iran mounts drive against Basra, reaching outskirts.
- April : Iran increased attacks on neutral shipping. Kuwait appealed to big powers to protect free navigation in the gulf.
- May : Iraqi missile attack on the Navy frigate Stark killed 37 Americans.
- July : U.N. Security Council adopted resolution calling for end to war.
- Mine damages supertanker Bridgeton in first U.S. Navy convoy for Kuwaiti ships.
- Oct.: Iranian missile hits the Kuwaiti tanker Sea Isle City.
- U.S. forced attack on two Iranian oil platforms.
- Iran launched three unsuccessful offensives, with huge losses.
- February - Tehranattacked along a 40-kilometer stretch near Al Amarah, about 200 kilometers southeast of Baghdad.
- IBaghdad used massive air attacks, with more than 200 sorties, many flown by attack helicopters. More than 6,000 Iranians were killed that day, while achieving only minute gains.
- April - repeated Iranian attacks were stopped by Iraqi mechanized and infantry divisions.
- settled Iran-Iraq territorial disputes
- Baghdad in 13 March 1975
- end the disputes between Iraq and Iran on their borders in Shatt al-Arab and Khuzestan
- the main reason for Iraq was to end the Kurdish rebellion.
- March : President Hussein proposed an Iraqi withdrawal to international borders
- May: Iranians take Khorramshahr.
- Febuaruy- Iran mounts an offensive, entering Iraq by the end of the month and taking part of the Majnoon oilfields, north of Basra.
- An attempted advance on Basra is stopped by Iraq.
- March : Iraq began air attacks on oil tankers serving Iran. May: Iran retaliated by attacking Kuwaiti and Saudi tankers.
- Febuaruy: Iranian forced cross the Shatt al Arab south of Basra.
- they occupy 300 square miles of the Fao peninsula.
- December: Iran mounted attack in southern Iraq.
- Sept. 7: President Saddam Hussein of Iraq cancels 1975 treaty with Iran and claims sovereignty over the Shatt al Arab
- the waterway that forms part of the southern border between the countries. Iran rejects the claim. Minor border clashes follow.
- Sept. 22: Iraqi forces invade Iran.
- end of October the Iraqis occupy a strip of Iranian territory 6-25 miles wide.
- Iran accepted United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolution 598, leading to a 20 August 1988 cease-fire ending the war
- none of the issues that are blamed for war had been resolved
- the conditons that existed at the beginning of the war remained virtually unchanged.
- Iraq won the war militarily, and possessed a significant military advantage over Iran in 1989