Why is education dangerous?
A question of perspective
1. Spontanious Ideas & Definition
2. Characteristics– Different perspectives on education
2.1. Different aspects
2.2. Features of education
2.2.1. Requirements
2.2.2. Teaching and learning styles
2.2.3. Learning goals
2.3. Actors in education
2.3.1. who is who?
2.3.2. Conflicts in interests of different actors
3. Education as a Human Right
3.1. Declarations & Conferences
3.2. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990)
3.3. The role of the children
3.4. Implementations and UN goals for the future
4. How can education be dangerous?
4.1. The Incidence: Terror Attack in Garissa, Kenya
4.2. Examples from international history: Conflicts of Interests
4.3. Potential Power of students
Thank you very much for your attention
3. Characteristics
Part 2 Education as a Human Right
4. How can education be dangerous?
Our spontanious ideas?
Different perspectives on education
what is it?
body of knowledge acquired while being educated
Education as a Human Right:
Declarations & Conferences
agree or disagree?
4.3. Potential Power of students
2.4. Implementations and UN goals for the future
4.1 The Incidence:
Terror Attack in Garissa, Kenya
2.3. The role of the children
• active agents in their own learning
• child in the focus: education is
designed to promote and respect children's rights
• Important goals in promoting education: Universality, participation, Respect, Inclusion
The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university: a course of education
3.2. Features of education
2.2. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
• recognized as HR since the adoption of the universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948
• United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
- primary education should be free, universal and compulsory
- 4 core principles: Non-discrimination; the best interest of the child; the right to life, survival and development of the child to the maximum extent
3.1 Different Aspects of Education
2. April 2015
What happened?
"Bildung vollzieht sich immer
als Prozess am Menschen SELBST
im Gegensatz hierzu : Erziehung ist ein Vorgang der sich zwischen Menschen abspielt"
Statement 4
Religion is mostly in the way of quality education. Wrong or right?
World Education Forum
Statement 1:
What do you think, is education really dangerous?
The theory and practice of teaching
Ensure that goals and prcinciples are met
no legally binding force that controls
global conferences: affirmation, time frames, ...
- goals
- Expansion and improvement of early childhood care and education,
- elimination of gender disparity,
- improvement of quality
- time frame for reaching the goal of universal primary education
- was set on the year 2000, was later extended on 2015
what is it?
The attackers: 4 Al-Shabab terrorists
religious fundamentalists
- 79 students injured
- 148 students died
- 857 students saved
why?- what did they want to attack
- protest against kenyan military action in Somalia
Why students?
they have time!
- future researchers
- future educators
- future working class
- future parents
- future political leaders
Goals for governments
it's time to discuss!
- develop the economic workforce and potential future wealth;
- promote social cohesion, integration and a sense of national identity
- They also look to schools to transmit their values, culture and language
the opening-up of the world
for a person and
the opening-up of a person
for the world"
4.2. Examples from international history:
Conflicts of Interests
- they seek in the education system the reinforcementand promotion of their own beliefs
- Islamisten entführen erneut Schülerinnen [viewed 12 July 2015]. Available from: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/nigeria-islamisten-entfuehren-erneut-schuelerinnen/9847606.html.
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- BERA, Ronald, 2015. Angst vor in Kenia aufgewachsenen Terroristen [online]. Available from: http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2015-04/kenia-anschlag-garissa-folgen.
- BERWANI, Hawar, 2012. 10 persons killed, injured in suicide attack targeted University of al-Imam Kadhim - Iraqi News [online]. [viewed 12 June 2015]. Available from: http://www.iraqinews.com/iraq-war/10-persons-killed-injured-in-suicide-attack-targeted-university-of-al-imam-kadhim/.
- BIBLEGATEWAY, 2015. BibleGateway Search: learning [online] [viewed 8 July 2015]. Available from: https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=learning&qs_version=NIV.
- CRAISSATI, Dina, et al, 2007. A human rights based approach to education for all. United Nations Children's Fund.
- DEUTSCHE PRESSE AGENTUR, 15 January 2013 . Krieg in Syrien: Tote bei Anschlag auf Universität in Aleppo [online]. Spiegel Online. [viewed 20 June 2015]. Available from: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/tote-bei-anschlag-auf-universitaet-in-aleppo-a-877664.html.
- DEUTSCHE PRESSE AGENTUR, 11 July 2015. In Myanmar, crackdown on student protests raises concern | Al Jazeera America [online]. , [viewed 11 July 2015]. Available from: http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2015/4/27/Myanmar-cracks-down-on-student-protests.html.
- HOBMAIR, Hermann, ed, 2008. Pädagogik. 3. Aufl., korr. Nachdr. Troisdorf: Bildungsverl. Eins, 2002. 9783823750000.
- IRAN GERMAN RADIO - Das deutsche Programm, 2012. UNO verurteilt Anschlag auf Universität in Bagdad [online]. Available from: http://german.irib.ir/nachrichten/nahost/item/258601-uno-verurteilt-anschlag-auf-universit%C3%A4t-in-bagdad.
- WALKER, Melanie; UNTERHALTER, Elaine, 2007. Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach and Social Justice in Education.
- ONLINE, SPIEGEL, HAMBURG, 2 April 2014. Gewalt in Ägypten: Polizeigeneral bei Anschlag vor Universität in Kairo getötet [viewed 12 July 2015]. Available from: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/anschlag-vor-universitaet-in-kairo-aegyptischer-polizeigeneral-getoetet-a-962159.html.
- OXFORD Dictionary Online : Education
- SCHWABE, Fabio. Geschichte kompakt - Einfach und verständlich. [online] [viewed 11 July 2015]. Available from: http://www.geschichte-abitur.de/revolution-184849.
- THIELMANN, Wolfgang. Verfolgung ohne Folgen [online] [viewed 14 May 2015]. Available from: http://www.zeit.de/gesellschaft/zeitgeschehen/2015-04/menschenrechte-religioese-verfolgung-anschlag-kenia.
- WIKIPEDIA. May 1968 events in France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [online]. 1 July 2015, 12:00 [viewed 11 July 2015]. Available from: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=666955888.
- UNICEF, 2005. Investing in the Children of the Islamic World. UNiCef.
- WIKIPEDIA: 2015. 2014 Hong Kong class boycott campaign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [online]. 7 July 2015, 12:00 [viewed 11 July 2015]. Available from: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?oldid=658966932.
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CRAISSATI, Dina, et al, 2007
Different FORMS of learning
& teaching
Actors of education
leading styles
formal learning
informal learning
the opening-up of the world for a person and
the opening-up of a person for the world"
Other incidents where students were involved & harmed
world history
The French uprising May 1989
Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
Part of Chinese Democracy Movement in 1989
Date: April 15, 1989 – June 4, 1989
(1 month, 2 weeks and 6 days)
Location: Beijing
400 cities nationwide
Incidents: Death(s) 241–2,600
Injuries 7,000–10,000
• Death of Hu Yaobang • Economic reform
• Inflation • Political corruption
• Economic nepotism • Career prospects
• Social unrest in Eastern Europe
- Social equality,
- "A Communist PartyWithout Corruption",
- freedom of the press
- freedom of speech
Demonstrations against communist dictatorships in whole Europe
durch Bildung wird die eigene Stellung des Menschen in der Welt und unter den Menschen verstehbar.
Er wird selbst aufgeschlossen für die Wirklichkeit und wid fähig, in ihr zu leben und sein Leben selbstbestimmt und verantwortlich zu gestalten.
school dirstrict
state politics
Germany: Fall of the Berlin Wall
- 2015 Kenya, Suicide Attack on Garissa University College
- 2014 Nigeria: #BBOG vs Boko Haram
Bring back our girls: Kidnapping of 276 school girls
Another Kidnapping, 8 more girls missing
- 2014 Nigeria: Bomb Attack on University
- 2014: Egypt: 3 Bombs destroy faculty of arts and faculty of archiecture in Kairo
- 2013 Iraq: Bomb Attack on University in Bagdad
China - Democratic Movement
local politics
historical background
history of the country
giving information
Bildung: verwandt mit dem Wort Bild
bedeutet soviel wie „im Bilde sein“ = die Welt verstehen & begreifen.
Statement 2:
It was not education who made students to important activists out of students
"Vorgang der Erschließung der Welt für den Menschen und der Erschließung des Menschen für die Welt"
Goals of education
are informed by...
different societal actors
with different interests...
Statement 3
Did student protests always go into the right direction?
Definition nach Hobmair
Mid 16th century: from Latin educatio(n-), from the verb educare (see educate).
The right to education = a plight to
- eliminate discrimination at all levels of the educational system
- set minimum standards
- improve quality
"Im Prozess der Bildung geht es um
- Entfaltung der eigenen Individualität
- Ausgestaltung des Menschseins
--> aus sich selbst etwas zu machen"
From a Human Rights Perspective
Maybe think of german history
- curiosity
- critical thinking
- equality
- citizenship
- autonomy
- responsibility
- communication
- languages
Further questions and points of discussion
Education as a POWERFUL WEAPON for advocacy for freedom & Human Rights
Goals of education following to Human Rights
- promote personal development
- strengten respect for the Huma Rights and other freedoms
- enable individuals to participate effectively in a free society
- promote understanding, friendship and tolerance
Is education dangerous?
dangerous to whom or what?
• to undemocratic, unfair, corrupt governments,
- to people living under such governments educating themselves about freedom & Human rights
• to Human Rights non-respecting countries or (terrorist) organizations
• to your own worldview
• to students and teachers health who rise up in an undemocratic society with other ideal and values than their own students
Danger is dependent on the political system of the student/ teacher !!
Education as a Human Right
2.1. Declarations & Conferences
2.2. United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (19XY)
2.3. The role of the children
2.4. Implementations and UN goals for the future
Tiananmen uprising in China - 1989
Hunger strike, sit-in, occupation of public square
from June 3, 1989 (declared from May 20, 1989 – January 10, 1990, 7 months and 3 weeks)
thousands were killed
- Protest leaders and activists exiled or imprisoned
- executions
Parties to the civil conflict
- Communist Party of China
- Government of the People's Republic of China
- People's Liberation Army
- People's Armed Police
- University students
- Factory workers
- Beijing residents
- Intellectuals
- Pro-democracy protesters
8888 uprising - The uprising ended on 18 September, after a bloodymilitary coup by the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC).
Deutsche Revolution Vormärz
Myanmar& Burma 1988
Frankreich 1989
Tiananmen Honk Kong 1989
2014 China
Deutsche Revolution
politischen Forderungen nach Freiheitsrechten und Nationalstaat
gemeinsame Zusammenarbeit die Professoren und Studenten
May 1989 France
May 1968 was punctuated by demonstrations and massive general strikes as well as the occupation of universities and factories across France. At the height of its fervor, it virtually brought the entireadvanced capitalist economy of France to a dramatic halt.[1] The protests reached such a point that political leaders feared civil war or revolution; the national government itself momentarily ceased to function after President Charles de Gaulle secretly left France for a few hours. Although the events sometimes turned violent, they also had artistic and festive aspects with numerous quasi-improvised debates and assemblies, songs, imaginative graffitis, posters and slogans.[2]
"May 68" had a resounding impact on French society that would be felt for decades to come. It is considered to this day as a cultural, social and moral turning point in the history of the country. As Alain Geismar—one of the leaders of the time—later pointed out, the movement succeeded "as a social revolution, not as a political one".[3]
The unrest began with a series of student occupation protests against capitalism, consumerism and traditional institutions, values and order. It then spread to factories with strikes involving 11,000,000 workers, more than 22% of the total population of France at the time, for two continuous weeks.[1]