Psychological Explanation for Schizophrenia
Beethoven won't stop SHOUTING in my head
The govvies is turning their backs, I'll be dead by tomorrow
- Uncaring parents
- Bad childhood, abuse
- Reductive account
- Unfalsifiable
- Free will vs. Determinism
- ????
- Confidentiality
Schizophrenia is a faulty thought processing
- Approach: Biological
- Ethical Issue: Revisiting Repressed Memories
- Low Temporal Validity Issue (Victorian Era)
- Low Population Issue: Case Studies
Those traitors don't believe me
Freud (1924)
- Schizophrenia is caused by issues in the sub-conscious mind (between id and pre-ego)
- If someone experiences something particularly harsh, they may regress to a childlike state, before the ego was fully formed.
- This childlike state is what brings about the symptoms; delusions, grandeur etc.
- Such 'inner turmoil' causes schizophrenic behaviour
- Bentall et al. (1991) - Lab research confirms
- Physiological factor - Lindenberg et al. found a link between dopamine in the prefrontal cortex and working memory.
- Therefore: Cognitive explanation is reductive without the biological explanation
My 'information filter' is somewhat defective
I told my droogs about it
-Face Validity
-Stirling and Hellewell suggest that the schizophrenic behaviour isn’t similar to an infants, this contradicts Freud’s theory.
-Impossible to test concepts such as Ego and ID
- Further link: Symptoms of Schizophrenia represent the ego's attempt to re-establish itself
My delusion is due to me experiencing reality in a different way
I saw a viddy blue unicorn
Psychodynamic Explanation
How about Cognitive Explanation?
Cognitive Explanation
Labelling Theory
- Rosenhan, 1973
- Once the label of schizophrenia had been applied, the diagnosis continued to influence the behaviour of staff towards the patient, even when this was no long warranted
Sociocultural Explanation:
Family environment may pose a risk of a child developing Schizophrenia
- ´Social groups construct rules for emmbers of their group to follow´
- People who display such behaviours may be labelled as schizophrenic
- Bizzare behaviours are seen as deviant
- This becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
There is no difference between the parental communication of families with a schizophrenic child and with a normal child
R.D. Laing
§ a reasonable response to an insane world §
Hirsch et al., 1996
Life events or Life changes triggers Schizophrenia
Bateson et al.
- Life Events
- Family Relationships: The Double Bind Theory and Expressed Emotion
Liem, 1974
Hall and Levin, 1980
- Followed 71 schizophrenia patients over a 48 week period
- Cumulative contribution in the preceding relapse rather than just one single major event
van Os et al.,
Correlational, not causational
Brown and Birley, 1968
§ Mom giving contradictory messages §
What causes Schizophrenia is not a major life event, but build up or accumulative stress or life events
1. Schizophrenic episode = occurs within 3 weeks of a major life event, or 9 weeks
2. No Schizophrenic episode = no major life events
Conclusion= Life events trigger the relapse of Schizophrenia
Kalafi and Torabi
§ EE in Iran triggers schizophrenic episode §