Mexico and America
Mexico's types of government
Mexico's type of government is a democracy which means they have a constitution and the state is ruled by the people.
Americas type of government
America's type of government is also a democracy. This means that they have a constitution and the state is ruled by the people.
similarities and differences of their types of government
America and Mexico both have the same type of government. They both have a democracy. This means they both have a constitution and their government is ruled by the people. So their power is held by the people using a free electoral system.
Mexico's role of citizens
Mexico is very similar to the US. One thing the people of Mexico have to do is vote. Voting is mandatory in Mexico. That means that they have to vote. They have to vote at the age of 18. People in Mexico also have rights. They have the freedom of religion, speech, equality, and freedom of the press. Also slavery is against the law. People in Mexico have to go to school for eleven years or less. Mexico also has to elect a president. This means everyone there has to have a say.
America's role of citizens
Like Mexico, America votes to see who is elected for president, the branches, etc. Voting in the US is not mandatory which means that American's do not have to vote because it is not a law but it is encouraged because it is a right that we have. America also has freedoms. Some of them are the freedom of speech, religion, equality, and the freedom of the press. Also slavery is against the law. Americans have to go to school for thirteen years or less which includes kindergarten through high school.
Similarities and differences of their roles of citizens
Some similarities and differences are citizens in both countries have rights and responsibilities.One of these rights and responsibilities is that in Mexico you have to go to school for eleven years but in America you have to go to school for thirteen years. Both America and Mexico have to vote at the age of 18. Also in Mexico voting is mandatory but in America it is not.They also have the same rights. They are the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, and the freedom of press. In both countries slavery is against the law.
Mexico's political system
Americas political system
similarities and differences of their political system
One similarity is that Mexico and America both have the same branches of government. These are the executive branch the legislative branch and the judicial branch. Also both countries elect a president. Mexico’s president can only stay elected for one term when America's president can stay elected for two terms. One term in America equals four years but in Mexico one term equals six years. Another difference is their political parties. America's political parties are the republican party the democratic party and some other small parties. Mexico's are the (PRI) the (PAN) the (PRD) the (PVEM) and the (PI) and some other small ones. Also Mexico's constitution was written in 1917 while America's was written in the late seventeen hundreds.
America has a constitutional republic. America also has three branches of government. They are the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the legislative branch. America also has political parties. They are the republican party, the democratic party, as well as some other small parties. America has a president. Our president can only stay elected for two terms. Each term is equal to 4 years.
Mexico has a Federal republic. Mexico has three branches of government which are the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the legislative branch. Mexico also has political parties. Some are the (PRI) the (PAN) the (PRD) the (PVEM) and the (PI) as well as some other small ones. Also Mexico has a president. This president can only stay elected for one term. One term equals six years.