Purpose of the Research
Research Findings
- Shaw and Mckay studied crime patterns in Chicago in the early 1900s
- Identify causes of high rate of delinquency in urban areas and help reform community
- Outer Zones
- Communities had a shared system of values, norms
- Engaged in conventional activities
- contained delinquency
- Inner Zone
- Extreme diversity, mixed messages
- Subculture adopts values in oppostion to conventional values
Understanding Deviance
- Behavior or belief that violates social norms
Cultural Deviance Theory
What is Cultural Deviance Theory?
- Relative to time, space and culture
- The theory states that individuals are not responsible for their deviance as much as the community in which they reside in
How did Shaw & McKay Conduct the Research?
Clifford Shaw
Henry Mckay
- Collection of autobiographies of juvenile delinquents
- Research on geographical distribution of delinquents
- Creation of CAP
- Born in 1899 in South Dakota?
- Died in 1980
- American Sociologist who attended University of Chicago
- Snodgrass, John. (1976, January). Clifford R. Shaw & Henry D. McKay: Chicago Criminologists. Retrieved from: https://www.academia.edu/11745452/Shaw_and_McKay_Chicago_Criminologists
- Shaw, Clifford & McKay, Henry. (1942). Differential Systems of Values. Retrieved from: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4jevzbgnbw4yf18/Shaw_mckay_Differential.pdf?dl=0