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<!-- Metadata required here -->
<!-- optional front matter -->
<div n="1">
<!-- first division -->
<div n="2">
<!-- second division -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- optional back matter -->
<!-- .... -->
<!-- front matter of text, if any, goes here -->
<!-- body of text, divisions, etc go here -->
<!-- back matter of text, if any, goes here -->
The Text Encoding Initiative was born into a very different world:
Imagine you are going to markup several thousand pages of complex material....
Now, imagine your budget has been halved. Repeat the exercise!
The documents which users of these Guidelines may wish to encode encompass all kinds of material, potentially expressed in the full range of written and spoken human languages, including the extinct, the non-existent, and the conjectural. Because of this wide scope, special attention has been paid to two particular aspects of the representation of linguistic information often taken for granted: language identification, and character encoding.
Sections include:
This chapter describes the default high-level structure for TEI documents. A full TEI document combines metadata describing it, represented by a teiHeader element, with the document itself, represented by a text element.
Sections include:
This chapter describes the infrastructure for the encoding scheme defined by these Guidelines. It introduces the conceptual framework within which the following chapters are to be understood, and the means by which that conceptual framework is implemented.
Sections include:
<TEI>, <argument>, <back>, <body>, <byline>, <closer>, <dateline>, <div>, <div1>, <div2>, <div3>, <div4>, <div5>, <div6>, <div7>, <divGen>, <docAuthor>, <docDate>, <docEdition>, <docImprint>, <docTitle>, <epigraph>, <floatingText>, <front>, <group>, <imprimatur>, <opener>, <postscript>, <salute>, <signed>, <teiCorpus>, <text>, <titlePage>, <titlePart>, <trailer>
This is an initial chapter explaining the notation, background, and future development of the Guidelines
Sections include:
This chapter addresses the problems of describing an encoded work so that the text itself, its source, its encoding, and its revisions are all thoroughly documented.
Sections include:
This chapter describes elements which may appear in any kind of text and the tags used to mark them in all TEI documents. Most of these elements are freely floating phrases, which can appear at any point within the textual structure, although they must generally be contained by a higher-level element of some kind (such as a paragraph).
Sections include:
<abstract>, <appInfo>, <application>, <authority>, <availability>, <biblFull>, <cRefPattern>, <calendar>, <calendarDesc>, <catDesc>, <catRef>, <category>, <change>, <classCode>, <classDecl>, <correction>, <creation>, <distributor>, <edition>, <editionStmt>, <editorialDecl>, <encodingDesc>, <extent>, <fileDesc>, <funder>, <geoDecl>, <handNote>, <hyphenation>, <idno>, <interpretation>, <keywords>, <langUsage>, <language>, <licence>, <listPrefixDef>, <namespace>, <normalization>, <notesStmt>, <prefixDef>, <principal>, <profileDesc>, <projectDesc>, <publicationStmt>, <quotation>, <refState>, <refsDecl>, <rendition>, <revisionDesc>, <samplingDecl>, <segmentation>, <seriesStmt>, <sourceDesc>, <sponsor>, <stdVals>, <styleDefDecl>, <tagUsage>, <tagsDecl>, <taxonomy>, <teiHeader>, <textClass>, <titleStmt>
An <choice>
<corr cert="high">Autumn</corr>
</choice> it was, That grew the more by reaping
the <choice>
<expan>World Wide Web Consortium</expan>
</choice> godly a
</choice> it is to overthrow...
<abbr>, <add>, <addrLine>, <address>, <analytic>, <author>, <bibl>, <biblScope>, <biblStruct>, <binaryObject>, <cb>, <choice>, <cit>, <citedRange>, <corr>, <date>, <del>, <desc>, <distinct>, <editor>, <email>, <emph>, <expan>, <foreign>, <gap>, <gb>, <gloss>, <graphic>, <head>, <headItem>, <headLabel>, <hi>, <imprint>, <index>, <item>, <l>, <label>, <lb>, <lg>, <list>, <listBibl>, <measure>, <measureGrp>, <media>, <meeting>, <mentioned>, <milestone>, <monogr>, <name>, <note>, <num>, <orig>, <p>, <pb>, <postBox>, <postCode>, <ptr>, <pubPlace>, <publisher>, <q>, <quote>, <ref>, <reg>, <relatedItem>, <resp>, <respStmt>, <rs>, <said>, <series>, <sic>, <soCalled>, <sp>, <speaker>, <stage>, <street>, <term>, <time>, <title>, <unclear>
<!-- title of the resource -->
<p>(Information about distribution of the resource)</p>
<p>(Information about source from which the resource derives)</p>
Why would you want those things?
<!-- required -->
<!-- optional -->
<!-- optional -->
<!-- required if no facsimile or sourceDoc-->
This module is intended for use when encoding texts which are entirely or predominantly in verse, and for which the elements for encoding verse structure already provided by the core module are inadequate.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <caesura>, <metDecl>, <metSym>, <rhyme>
<lg n="1" type="stanza">
<l n="1">Doglia mi reca nello core ardire</l>
<metDecl type="met" pattern="((E|S)/)+)">
<metSym value="E" terminal="false">xxxxxxxxx+o</metSym>
<metSym value="S" terminal="false">xxxxx+o</metSym>
<metSym value="x">metrically prominent or non-prominent</metSym>
<metSym value="+">metrically prominent</metSym>
<metSym value="o">optional non prominent</metSym>
<metSym value="/">line division</metSym>
This module is intended for use when encoding printed dramatic texts, screen plays or radio scripts, and written transcriptions of any other form of performance.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <actor>, <camera>, <caption>, <castGroup>, <castItem>, <castList>, <epilogue>, <move>, <performance>, <prologue>, <role>, <roleDesc>, <set>, <sound>, <spGrp>, <tech>, <view>
<p>The Scene, an un-inhabited Island.</p>
<head>Names of the Actors.</head>
<castItem>Alonso, K. of Naples</castItem>
<castItem>Sebastian, his Brother.</castItem>
<castItem>Prospero, the right Duke of Millaine.</castItem>
<msDesc xml:id="mySpecialManuscript">
<!-- You *must* give identification information -->
<!-- You can describe the intellectual structure of the text -->
<!-- You can describe the full physical description of the object -->
<!-- You can give a full history of the object, its origin,
provenance, and acquisition -->
<!-- You can provide additional information about
surrogates, administrative metadata, etc. -->
This module defines a special purpose element which can be used to provide detailed descriptive information about handwritten (and other unique) primary sources.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <accMat>, <acquisition>, <additional>, <additions>, <adminInfo>, <altIdentifier>, <binding>, <bindingDesc>, <catchwords>, <collation>, <collection>, <colophon>, <condition>, <custEvent>, <custodialHist>, <decoDesc>, <decoNote>, <depth>, <dim>, <dimensions>, <explicit>, <filiation>, <finalRubric>, <foliation>, <handDesc>, <height>, <heraldry>, <history>, <incipit>, <institution>, <layout>, <layoutDesc>, <locus>, <locusGrp>, <material>, <msContents>, <msDesc>, <msIdentifier>, <msItem>, <msItemStruct>, <msName>, <msPart>, <musicNotation>, <objectDesc>, <objectType>, <origDate>, <origPlace>, <origin>, <physDesc>, <provenance>, <recordHist>, <repository>, <rubric>, <scriptDesc>, <scriptNote>, <seal>, <sealDesc>, <secFol>, <signatures>, <source>, <stamp>, <summary>, <support>, <supportDesc>, <surrogates>, <textLang>, <typeDesc>, <typeNote>, <watermark>, <width>
Text encoders sometimes find that the published repertoire of Unicode characters is inadequate to their needs with ancient languages or recording particular variant glyph forms.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <char>, <charDecl>, <charName>, <charProp>, <g>, <glyph>, <glyphName>, <localName>, <mapping>, <unicodeName>, <value>
Simple analytic mechanisms
Certainty and uncertainty
Core elements
Corpus texts
Performance texts
Tables, formulæ, notated music, and figures
Character and glyph documentation
The TEI Header
Feature structures
Linking, segmentation and alignment
Manuscript Description
Names and dates
Graphs, networks, and trees
Transcribed Speech
Documentation of TEI modules
Critical Apparatus
Default text structure
Transcription of primary sources
Verse structures
This chapter defines a module for encoding lexical resources of all kinds, in particular human-oriented monolingual and multilingual dictionaries, glossaries, and similar documents.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <case>, <colloc>, <def>, <dictScrap>, <entry>, <entryFree>, <etym>, <form>, <gen>, <gram>, <gramGrp>, <hom>, <hyph>, <iType>, <lang>, <lbl>, <mood>, <number>, <oRef>, <oVar>, <orth>, <pRef>, <pVar>, <per>, <pos>, <pron>, <re>, <sense>, <stress>, <subc>, <superEntry>, <syll>, <tns>, <usg>, <xr>
<def>person who competes.</def>
The module described in this chapter is intended for use with a wide variety of transcribed spoken material.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <broadcast>, <equipment>, <incident>, <kinesic>, <pause>, <recording>, <recordingStmt>, <scriptStmt>, <shift>, <u>, <vocal>, <writing>
<u who="#a">look at this</u>
<writing who="#a" type="newspaper" gradual="false"> Government claims economic problems
<soCalled>over by June</soCalled>
<u who="#a">what nonsense!</u>
One of the interesting developments in TEI ODD design is that can 'chain' customisations.
This means that if a TEI Community or Project makes a customisation then others can come along and make their own customisation that points to this project's TEI ODD as a source.
This enables projects to truly say "We're very much like that project over there (e.g. EpiDoc), but we need to add back in this element that they removed" and to document this in a machine-processable manner.
Versions of TEI P5
A document is "TEI Conformant" if and only if it:
Version Date
2.7.0 2014-09-16
2.6.0 2014-01-20
2.5.0 2013-07-26
2.4.0 2013-07-05
2.3.0 2013-01-17
2.2.0 2012-10-25
2.1.0 2012-05-15
2.0.2 2012-02-02
2.0.1 2011-12-22
2.0.0 2011-12-16
1.9.1 2011-03-05
1.9.0 2011-02-25
1.8.0 2010-11-05
1.7.0 2010-07-06
1.6.0 2010-02-12
1.5.0 2009-11-08
1.4.1 2009-07-01
1.4.0 2009-06-20
1.3.0 2009-02-01
1.2.0 2008-10-31
1.1.0 2008-07-04
1.0.1 2008-02-03
1.0.0 2007-11-02
A feature structure is a general purpose data structure which identifies and groups together individual features, each of which associates a name with one or more values. Because of the generality of feature structures, they can be used to represent many different kinds of information, but they are of particular usefulness in the representation of linguistic analyses.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <bicond>, <binary>, <cond>, <default>, <f>, <fDecl>, <fDescr>, <fLib>, <fs>, <fsConstraints>, <fsDecl>, <fsDescr>, <fsdDecl>, <fsdLink>, <fvLib>, <if>, <iff>, <numeric>, <string>, <symbol>, <then>, <vAlt>, <vColl>, <vDefault>, <vLabel>, <vMerge>, <vNot>, <vRange>
This chapter defines a module for use in encoding an apparatus of variants for scholarly editions, which may be used in conjunction with any of the modules defined in these Guidelines.
Sections include:
The Apparatus Entry, Readings, and Witnesses
Linking the Apparatus to the Text
Using Apparatus Elements in Transcriptions
Module for Critical Apparatus
Elements Defined: <app>, <lacunaEnd>, <lacunaStart>, <lem>, <listApp>, <listWit>, <rdg>, <rdgGrp>, <variantEncoding>, <wit>, <witDetail>, <witEnd>, <witStart>, <witness>
<p>Certain it is, this was not the case with the redoubtable Brom Bones; and <app>
<rdg wit="#msA">from the moment Ichabod Crane made his advances,</rdg>
<rdg wit="#msB">coincidentally when Ichabod Crane made his advances,</rdg>
<rdg wit="#msC">from the moment Ichabod Crane started to sing, </rdg> </app> the interests of the former
evidently declined;</p>
This section discusses some technical topics concerning the deployment of the TEI markup scheme documented elsewhere in these Guidelines.
Sections include:
Serving TEI files with the TEI Media Type
Obtaining the TEI Schemas
Personalization and Customization
Implementation of an ODD System
XML employs a strongly hierarchical document model. At various points, these Guidelines discuss problems that arise when using XML to encode textual features that either do not naturally lend themselves to representation in a strictly hierarchical form or conflict with other hierarchies represented in the markup.
Sections include:
This chapter describes a module which may be used for the encoding of names and other phrases descriptive of persons, places, or organizations, in a manner more detailed than that possible using the elements already provided for these purposes in the Core module.
Sections include:
Attribute Classes Defined by This Module
Names [e.g. personal, place and organisational names]
Biographical and Prosopographical Data
Module for Names and Dates
69. 13. Names, Dates, People, and Places -- Elements
Elements Defined: <addName>, <affiliation>, <age>, <birth>, <bloc>, <climate>, <country>, <death>, <district>, <education>, <event>, <faith>, <floruit>, <forename>, <genName>, <geo>, <geogFeat>, <geogName>, <langKnowledge>, <langKnown>, <listEvent>, <listNym>, <listOrg>, <listPerson>, <listPlace>, <listRelation>, <location>, <nameLink>, <nationality>, <nym>, <occupation>, <offset>, <org>, <orgName>, <persName>, <person>, <personGrp>, <place>, <placeName>, <population>, <region>, <relation>, <residence>, <roleName>, <settlement>, <sex>, <socecStatus>, <state>, <surname>, <terrain>, <trait>
<!-- In the header --><person xml:id="ArnMag">
<persName xml:lang="is">Árni Magnússon</persName>
<persName xml:lang="da">Arne Magnusson</persName>
<persName xml:lang="la">Arnas Magnæus</persName>
<!-- In the text -->
<persName ref="#ArnMag">Arnas</persName> dixit "Reveniam".
This chapter discusses a number of ways in which encoders may represent analyses of the structure of a text which are not necessarily linear or hierarchic.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <ab>, <alt>, <altGrp>, <anchor>, <join>, <joinGrp>, <link>, <linkGrp>, <seg>, <timeline>, <when>
This chapter describes a module for associating simple analyses and interpretations with text elements. We use the term analysis here to refer to any kind of semantic or syntactic interpretation which an encoder wishes to attach to all or part of a text.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <c>, <cl>, <interp>, <interpGrp>, <m>, <pc>, <phr>, <s>, <span>, <spanGrp>, <w>
<w ana="#AT0">The</w>
<w ana="#NN1">victim</w>
<w ana="#POS">'s</w>
<w ana="#NN2">friends</w>
<w ana="#VVD">told</w>
<w ana="#NN2">villagers</w>
<w ana="#CJT">that</w>
<w ana="#AT0">the</w>
<w ana="NPO">Headless</w>
<w ana="NPO">Horseman</w>
<w ana="#VVD">rode</w>
<w ana="#PRP">into</w>
<w ana="#AT0">the</w>
<w ana="#NN1">forest</w>
<w ana="#CJC">and</w>
<w ana="#AV0">never</w>
<w ana="#VVD">reappeared</w>
This chapter defines a module intended for use in the representation of primary sources, such as manuscripts or other written materials.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <addSpan>, <am>, <damage>, <damageSpan>, <delSpan>, <ex>, <facsimile>, <fw>, <handNotes>, <handShift>, <line>, <listChange>, <listTranspose>, <metamark>, <mod>, <redo>, <restore>, <retrace>, <sourceDoc>, <space>, <subst>, <substJoin>, <supplied>, <surface>, <surfaceGrp>, <surplus>, <transpose>, <undo>, <zone>
<graphic url="page1.png"/>
<graphic url="page2.png"/>
This chapter describes a module which may be used for the documentation of the XML elements and element classes which make up any markup scheme, in particular that described by the TEI Guidelines, and also for the automatic generation of schemas conforming to that documentation.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <altIdent>, <alternate>, <att>, <attDef>, <attList>, <attRef>, <classRef>, <classSpec>, <classes>, <code>, <constraint>, <constraintSpec>, <content>, <datatype>, <defaultVal>, <eg>, <egXML>, <elementRef>, <elementSpec>, <equiv>, <exemplum>, <gi>, <ident>, <listRef>, <macroRef>, <macroSpec>, <memberOf>, <moduleRef>, <moduleSpec>, <remarks>, <schemaSpec>, <sequence>, <specDesc>, <specGrp>, <specGrpRef>, <specList>, <tag>, <val>, <valDesc>, <valItem>, <valList>
Encoders of text often find it useful to indicate that some aspects of the encoded text are problematic or uncertain, and to indicate who is responsible for various aspects of the markup of the electronic text.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <certainty>, <precision>, <respons>
Many documents, both historical and contemporary, include not only text, but also graphics, artwork, and other images. Since they may frequently be most conveniently encoded and processed using external notations, they are dealt with together.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <cell>, <figDesc>, <figure>, <formula>, <notatedMusic>, <row>, <table>
This chapter discusses language corpora, with the distinguishing characteristic of any individual corpus is that its components have been selected or structured according to some conscious set of design criteria.
Sections include:
Elements Defined: <activity>, <channel>, <constitution>, <derivation>, <domain>, <factuality>, <interaction>, <locale>, <particDesc>, <preparedness>, <purpose>, <setting>, <settingDesc>, <textDesc>
<setting who="#p1 #p2">
<name type="village">Sleep Hollow</name>
<date>early spring, 1789</date>
<locale>a farm house, sat by the hearth</locale>
<setting who="#p3">
<name type="village">Sleepy Hollow</name>
<date>early spring, 1789</date>
<locale>school house</locale>