(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
There are 400,000 undiagnosed cases
of Gonorrhea
- 820,000 cases of gonorrhea annually and less than half of these are reported to CDC
- 570,000 are 15-24 years of age
- In 2011, there are 321, 849 cases reported to CDC.
Incidence extrapolation for US
- 66,666 cases/month
- 15,384 cases/day
1 case per minute...
- Abstinence (not having sexual intercourse)
- Monogamous sexual relationship
- Using condoms
- No Vaccines for gonorrhea
Sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrheae
In men and women:
- Burning and Pain while urinating
- Increased urinary frequency and urgency
- white, yellow or green discharged from the penis
- Red or swollen opening of urethra
- tender or swollen testicles
- gram negative, bean-shaped, diplococci
- usually seen in pair with the adjacent side are flattened
- do not survive long outside the host
- Pili which play a major role in adherence
- Can easily grow in the warm moist areas of reproductive tract including cervix, uterus, fallopian tube (in women) and in urethra (men and women)
- Can also grow in the mouth, eyes, and anus
- Sore throat (gonococcal pharyngitis)
- gonococcal conjunctivitis
- Increased vaginal discharge or vaginal bleeding between periods
- Painful sexual intercourse
- Severe pain in lower abdomen
If not treated gonorrhea can also spread to the blood stream or joint that can cause:
- Joint infection (Gonococcal arthritis)
- Meningitis
- Endocarditis
Tests and Treatments:
- scarring of fallopian tubes (salpingitis)
- ectopic pregnancy
- Infertility
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
- Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT)
- LCR (ligase chain reaction)
- ELISA testing is done from a sample fluid from the penis or cervix
- Endocervical culture in women
- Urethral discharge culture in men
- Throat swab
- Rectal Cx
- Cx of joint fluid
- Blood Cx
- Cervical gram stain
- Gram stain of urethral discharge in men
- Joint fluid gram stain
People who have had gonorrhea and have been treated may get infected again if they have sexual contact with a person infected with gonorrhea
Text your (zip code) to GYTNOW (498669)
Many sites offer FREE or low cost tests!!!
- Ceftriaxone injection combined with either azithromycin or doxycycline (orally)
- If you are younger than 26 y/o, you need the HPV vaccine.
- A follow-up visit 7 days after treatment is important if joint pain, skin rash, or more severe pelvic or abdominal pain is present. Tests will be done to make sure the infection is gone.
- Tell your partner
- In some places, the health department will contact your partner
- Not telling your partner about an STD's confirmed diagnosis may be a criminal offense in some states.
Latest News About Gonorrhea
- http://www.cdc.gov/std/gonorrhea/stdfact-gonorrhea.htm
- http://www.itsyoursexlife.com/gyt/talk/talking-to-your-partner-text-only-version/
- http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/super-gonorrhea-sweeping-globe-health-experts-warn-article-1.1090959
- http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007267.htm
- http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/g/gonorrhea/prevalence.htm
- Super gonorrhea - multi-drug resistant gonorrhea or cephalosporin-resistant could emerge in US
- Treating sexual transmitted infections cost the US healthcare system nearly $16 billlion in direct medical cost.
Michael Patrick Argarin