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Chicago style
řehole: Sv Benedikta
ubytovaní: ve klašteře
hierarchie: síť klašteru, materská klášter je u Citeaux.
kličové fakta: Bernard z Clairveaux
odnož: Cistercians of the Common Observance, Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappisty, přisaha mlčení)
- Kdo je kdo ve mnišství.
- Chicago style
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1. Co je to mnišství?
2. Jakým způsobem byl Cisterciacký řád jiný než předchozí mnišské řády?
3. Jaké byly rysy Clunyjské reformy?
4. Co je cura monialium a jak to měl vliv na život řeholnici?
5. Jaké role měli žebravé řády v rozvoji univerzit?
Institutes of Consecrated Life
Name Abbreviation Nickname Type
Agostiniani Scalzi O.A.D. Discalced Augustinians Mendicant Order
Antonian Order of Saint Ormizda of the Chaldeans (Chaldean) O.A.O.C. Monastic Order
Antonin Maronite Order (Maronite) O.A.M. Monastic Order
Arrouhbaniat Albassiliat Almoukhalissiat (Melkite Greek) B.S. Basilian Salvatorian Order Monastic Order
Ar-Rouhbanyat Al-Marounyat Liltoubawyat Mariam Al-Azra (Maronite) O.M.M. Aleppians Monastic Order
Augustinians of the Assumption A.A. Assumptionists Clerical Religious Congregation
Basilian Chouerite Order of Saint John the Baptist (Melkite Greek) B.C. Monastic Order
Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat (Order of St. Basil the Great) O.S.B.M. Order of St. Basil the Great Monastic Order
Camaldolese Hermits of Mount Corona E.C.M.C. Camaldolese Monastic Order
Canons Regular of the Congregation of Saint Victor C.R.S.V. Order of Canons Regular
Canons Regular of the Congregation of the Most Holy Saviour of the Lateran C.R.L. Order of Canons Regular
Canons Regular of the Hospitaller Congregation of Great Saint Bernard C.R.B. Order of Canons Regular
Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception C.R.I.C. Order of Canons Regular
Canons Regular of the Lateran Congregation of Austria C.R.L.A. Order of Canons Regular
Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross O.S.C. Crosier Fathers Order of Canons Regular
Capuchin Tertiary Religious of Our Lady of Sorrows T.C. Clerical Religious Congregation
Carmelites of Mary Immaculate C.M.I. Clerical Religious Congregation
Carthusian Order O. Cart. Monastic Order
Chemin Neuf Institute I.C.N. Clerical Religious Congregation
Clerics of Saint Viator C.S.V. Viatorians Clerical Religious Congregation
Clerics Regular Minor C.R.M. Caracciolini Order of Clerics Regular
Clerics Regular of St. Paul B. Barnabites Order of Clerics Regular
Clerics Regular of the Mother of God O.M.D. Order of Clerics Regular
Clerks Regular of Somasca C.R.S. Padri Somachi Order of Clerics Regular
Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus M.C.C.I. Clerical Religious Congregation
Confederation of Canons Regular of St. Augustine C.R.S.A. Order of Canons Regular
Congrégation du Sacré-Coeur S.C.J. Pères de Timon David Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of Christian Doctrine D.C. Dottrinari Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of Clerics Regular C.R. Theatines Order of Clerics Regular
Congregration of Jesus the Priest C.G.S. Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary M.I.C. Marian Fathers Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of Mariannhill Missionaries C.M.M. Marianhiller Missionare Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of Missionaries of the Holy Family M.S.F. Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of Saint John the Baptist Precursor C.S.I.B.P. Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of Saint Joseph C.S.I. Giuseppini del Murialdo Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of Saint Michael the Archangel C.S.M.A. Michaelites Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus “Little Flower” C.S.T. Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of Servants of Charity S.d.C. Guanellian Priests and Brothers Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of St. Basil C.S.B. Basilian Fathers Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament S.S.S. Blessed Sacrament Fathers Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of Holy Cross C.S.C. Holy Cross Fathers Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Holy Family of Nazareth of Blessed Father Piamarta F.N. Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Holy Spirit C.S.Sp. Holy Ghost Fathers (Spiritans) Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary C.I.C.M. Scheutists Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ L.C. Legionaries of Christ Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Charles Borromeo C.S. Scalabrinians Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer C.SS.R. Redemptorists Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Passion C.P. Passionists Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Priestly Fraternity C.F.S. Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart S.C.I. Dehonians Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ C. R. Resurrectionists Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary SS.CC. Picpus Fathers Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Sacred Stigmata C.S.S. Stigmatine Fathers Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Schools of Charity C.S.Ch. Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Sons of Mary Immaculate F. M. I. Pavonians Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregation of the Sons of Merciful Love F.A.M. Clerical Religious Congregation
Congregazione dei Figli dell’Immacolata Concezione C.F.I.C. Concezionisti Lay Religious Congregation
Congregazione Mechitarista C.A.M. Mechitarists Monastic Order
Congregazione Sacra Famiglia di Bergamo C.S.F. Clerical Religious Congregation
Consolata Missionaries I.M.C. Consolata Missionaries Clerical Religious Congregation
Fils de Marie Immaculée F.M.I. Pères de Chavagnes Clerical Religious Congregation
Franciscan Friars of the Atonement S.A. Clerical Religious Congregation
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate F.I. Clerical Religious Congregation
Hijos de la Sagrada Familia S.F. Clerical Religious Congregation
Indian Missionary Society I.M.S. Clerical Religious Congregation
Institut du Clergé Patriarcal de Bzommar I.C.P.B.
Institute of Charity I.C. Rosminians Clerical Religious Congregation
Institute of Schönstatt Fathers P. Schönstatt Schönstatt Fathers Clerical Secular Institute
Institute of the Josephites of Belgium C.J. Josephites of Belgium Clerical Religious Congregation
Istituto del Prado Ist. del Prado Prado Institute Clerical Secular Institute
Little Brothers of Jesus P.F.J. Foucauld Lay Religious Congregation
Misioneros de la Natividad de María M.N.M. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionari di S. Giuseppe nel Messico M.J. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette M.S. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales d’Annecy M.S.F.S. Fransalians Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionaries of the Company of Mary S.M.M. Montfort Missionaries Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionaries of the Divine Redeemer M.D.R. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionaries of the Holy Spirit M.Sp.S. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart and Saint Mary of Guadalupe M. S. C. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus M.S.C. Sacred Heart Missionaries Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary M.SS.CC. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionaries of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (Mallorca) M. SS. CC. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionaries of Workers M.O. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionary Brothers of the Countryside F.M.R. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament M.C.B.S. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity S.T. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionary Servants of the Poor S.d.P. Morsel of the Poor Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionary Servants of the Word M. S. P. Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionary Society of St. Paul M.S.S.P. Paulist Missionaries Clerical Religious Congregation
Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary C.M.F. Claretians Clerical Religious Congregation
Oblates of Mary Immaculate O.M.I. Oblates of Mary Immaculate Clerical Religious Congregation
Oblates of Saint Joseph O.S.I. Josephines of Asti Clerical Religious Congregation
Oblates of St. Francis de Sales O.S.F.S. Clerical Religious Congregation
Oblates of the Virgin Mary O.M.V. Clerical Religious Congregation
Orden de San Jerónimo O.S.H. Monjes Jerónimos Monastic Order
Order of Augustinian Recollects O.A.R. Augustinian Recollects Mendicant Order
Order of Cistercians O. Cist. Cistercians Monastic Order
Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance O.C.S.O. Trappists Monastic Order
Order of Discalced Carmelites O.C.D. Discalced Carmelites Mendicant Order
Order of Friar Servants of Mary O.S.M. Servites Mendicant Order
Order of Friars Minor O.F.M. Franciscans Mendicant Order
Order of Friars Minor Capuchin O.F.M. Cap. Capuchins Mendicant Order
Order of Friars Minor Conventual O.F.M. Conv. Conventual Franciscans Mendicant Order
Order of Friars Preachers O.P. Dominicans Mendicant Order
Order of the Pious Schools Sch. P. Piarists Order of Clerics Regular
Order of Imitation of Christ O.I.C. Clerical Religious Congregation
Order of Lebanese Maronite (Maronite) O.L.M. Baladites Monastic Order
Order of Our Lady of Mercy O. de M. Mercedarians Mendicant Order
Order of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel O. Carm. Carmelites Mendicant Order
Order of Saint Benedict O.S.B. Benedictines Monastic Order
Order of Saint Paul the First Hermit O.S.P.P.E. Pauline Fathers Monastic Order
Order of St. Augustine O.S.A. Augustinians Mendicant Order
Order of the Canons Regular of Premontre; Norbertines O. Praem. Premonstratensians Order of Canons Regular
Order of the Holy Cross O.R.C. Order of Canons Regular
Order of the Hospitallers of Saint John of God O.H. Mendicant Order
Order of the Minims O.M. Minimi Mendicant Order
Order of the Ministers of the Sick M.I. Camillians Order of Clerics Regular
Order of the Most Holy Trinity O.SS.T. Trinitarians Mendicant Order
Order of the Teutonic Knights of Saint Mary’s Hospital in Jerusalem O.T. Teutonic Order Order of Canons Regular
Ordine Basiliano Italiano di Grottaferrata O.S.B.I. Monastic Order
Ordre Basilien Alépin (Melkite Greek) B.A. Monastic Order
Parochial Cooperators of Christ the King C.P.C.R. Clerical Religious Congregation
Pious Workers Rural Catechists P.O.C.R. Ardorini Missionaries Clerical Religious Congregation
Poveri Servi della Divina Provvidenza P.S.D.P. Don Calabria Clerical Religious Congregation
Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Bétharram S.C.I. di Béth. Clerical Religious Congregation
Religieux de Saint Vincent de Paul R.S.V. Clerical Religious Congregation
Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus R.C.J. Rogationists Clerical Religious Congregation
Rosarian Fathers C.S.R. Clerical Religious Congregation
Salesians of Saint John Bosco S.D.B. Salesians of St. John Bosco Clerical Religious Congregation
Servants of the Holy Paraclete S.P. Clerical Religious Congregation
Society of Christ for Polish Immigrants S. Chr. Clerical Religious Congregation
Society of Divine Vocations S.D.V. Vocationists Clerical Religious Congregation
Society of Jesus S.J. Jesuits Order of Clerics Regular
Society of Mary S.M. Marist Fathers Clerical Religious Congregation
Society of Mary S. M. Marianist Fathers Clerical Religious Congregation
Society of Saint Cajetan P.S.S.G. Clerical Religious Congregation
Society of Saint Edmund S.S.E. Edmundites Clerical Religious Congregation
Society of St. Paul S.S.P. Paulines Clerical Religious Congregation
Society of the Divine Savior S.D.S. Salvatorians Clerical Religious Congregation
Society of the Divine Word S.V.D. Divine Word Missionaries Clerical Religious Congregation
Sons of Charity F.C. Clerical Religious Congregation
Sons of Charity F.d.C.C. Canossians Clerical Religious Congregation
Sons of Divine Providence F.D.P. Clerical Religious Congregation
Sons of Saint Mary Immaculate F.S.M.I. Clerical Religious Congregation
Swiss Congregation of Canons Regular of Saint Maurice of Agaune C.R.A. Order of Canons Regular
Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Penance T.O.R. Franciscan Friars (T.O.R.) Mendicant Order
Ukrainian Studite Monks (Ukrainian) M.S.U. Monastic Order
Vincentian Congregation (Syro-Malabar) C.V. Clerical Religious Congregation
Xaverian Missionary Fathers S.X. Xaverians Clerical Religious Congregation
řehole: Sv. Augustin
ubytovaní: ve skupinech, kolej, ženy ve klášteřech
hierarchie: po papežstvi, knězi
kličové fakta:žebravé řád, intelektuální řád, Domini canes, křižové výpravy, Inkvizice
vzhled: růžné
řehole: Sv Augustina. Řehole je trochu volnejši než benediktinské, vyhodný pro řeholní kanovníky a jeptišký.
ubytovaní: ve klašteře, ale v práci jako kněz nebo ve špitálu.
hierarchie: žadné
kličové fakta: řehole je soubor spis od Sv Augustina
odnož: kanovníky, např. Premonstráti, žebravé řády
řehole: Přísaháji pouze části řehole
ubytovaní: doma nebo ve bekynské "město", ve menši skupinech. Pracuji ve řemesle.
hierarchie: žadné nebo neformalní matka představená. kanovnik dáva svátosti atd.
kličové fakta: ženy ale i muži (beghardove), 13. stol. Belgie a Nizozemsko.
odnož: třetí řad, ženské žebravé řady
řehole: Sv Františka, žený podle řehole Sv Klary
ubytovaní: ve skupinach, žebravý řád, ženy přisně zavřené v klásteře
kličové fakta:žít jako apoštolové, proti-intelektuální, spiritismus, křižové výpravy
odnož: Friars Minor Conventual a Friars Minor Capuchin, Chudé sestry svaté Kláry
řehole: formula vitae Alberta Jeruzalémského
ubytovaní: ve klasteře, kanovnícké práce
hierarchie: jako konovniky
kličové fakta: Teresa of Avila, důraz na kontemplaci, bratrské společenství a službu uprostřed lidu
řehole: Sv. Benedikta
ubytovaní: ve klašteře, žadné soukromí
hierarchie: občas ve souladu s biskupem, ale jinak představený (opat), obedientiari, mnichove, novici, conversi.
kličové fakta: Monte Cassino (c. 529)
odnož: spousta! např. Cluniacy, Cisterciaci, atd.
vzhled: co nejmene pohodolný obličeni, vosy
řehole: žadné, ale podle vzoru Svatý Pavel Thébský nebo Svatý Antonín Veliký
ubytovaní: jeskyně,bouda, hlavně samota
hierarchie: žadné
kličové fakta: phenomenon ráné středověku, do pouště nebo uzavřené ve městě
odnož: Poustevníci, anachoreta, cenobitství
vzhled: různé
řehole: různé
odnož: Monarchické rytířské řády: Založení monarchou, který je zdroj cti; buď rozhodnutí nebo ne vládnoucí
Confraternal rytířské řády: Založení šlechtic, a to buď vysoká šlechta nebo nízká šlechta
Bratrský rytířské řády: založen pro konkrétní účely
Votivní rytířské řády: založena na omezenou dobu pouze členové, kteří si slibujou
Honorific rytířské řády: sestávat pouze z honorific propůjčený na odznaku rytíři na slavnostních příležitostech, skládající se z ničeho, ale odznak
Samozvaný zakázky: samozvaní imitace-objednávky bez zákonů nebo omezených členství