Thank you!
Do We Have Wisdom?
- Only if we use it (it's like show and tell)
- True wisdom = FEAR OF THE LORD
- Healthy respect for what God says (what is good and evil)
- Learn where boundary lines are (don't cross them = consequences)
Why is Wisdom
like a Woman?
Hundreds of Proverbs ...
- ... because she's like a mother?
- Calling out to everyone, everywhere
- Available to ALL ready to listen
- Anyone can learn from her
- Anyone can make a beautiful life
- Wise sayings to guide us
- Health to my bones
- Prosperity
- Long, rich life
- Things usually work out well in life
More Keys to Unlock Wisdom
- 3 Wisdom Story Tellers
- Proverbs - brilliant young teacher
- Ecclesiastes - middle aged critic
- Job - weathered old man
- Tells us how to be good at life
Meet Proverb's Brilliant, Young Story Teller
- Super power to see the invisible (what God is like)
- She saw a creative force (but not like in Star Wars)
- Has a name
- Good deeds (tap into wisdom - Pr. 1:33)
- Bad deeds (work against wisdom - Pr. 1:32)
- People cannot escape wisdom
- Moral law everywhere
- Cause & effect