The Saloon
Floorplan of Castletown Cox
- broken pedimented door cases
- Adamesque ceiling
- last to be completed
- most important room in the house
- possible evidence for 'Chinese paper'
The Stair Case
View to Front Door
- big panels - empty
- small panels - filled
- separate from main hall
Rococo ceiling
The Main Hall
- screened hall lined with columns of Kilkenny marble
- entablature
- scroll work and festoons
- Saloon door case features broken pediment and the bust of Archbishop Cox
Corinthian Columns
Davis Ducart
- believed to be Sardinian
- had several commissions in the South and West
- designed canals
Saved from Ruin
The Exterior
Kilshannig Co. Cork
- Palladian in plan
- domed pavilions on service wings
- sandstone and unpolished Kilkenny marble
- bought and saved from ruin in 1960s
- Baron de Breffny started the Irish Arts Review
Born Michael Lees
Aerial View
Patrick Osbourne
- thought to be from Waterford
- worked with Ducart before
- linked to Franchini
- Rococo style moves to more Neoclassical
Bill for Castletown Cox
Castletown Cox
- Built for the Archbishop of Cashel between 1770 and 1774
- Michael Cox was 80 when the house was built
The Dining Room
- swags and urns inside panels
- rococo ceiling with flowers and fruit
Michael Cox became Archbishop of Cashel in 1755
Front of Domestic Block
Photo Courtesy of Christchurch Oxford
The Drawing Room
Portrait of Anne O'Brien
by Stephen Slaughter
- rococo ceiling and cornice
- ceiling features musical instruments at centre
Paneling and cornice
Door to Saloon
Castletown Cox