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How to form the imperfect tense in Spanish!

Pick an answer!!!

Lets break it down.

The answer is...

With Irregular verbs the whole word changes not just the ending so for example 'I used to be' would translate to Era.

Lets do an example

Ar verbs

Er/Ir verbs

Lets look at the example in more depth

What is the answer?

Irregular verbs

How the endings change...

Most verbs have the ending...

What would the verb be?

A, B or C

Ar, Er and Ir

Next lets look at Er and Ir verbs. Er and Ir verbs have the same endings which makes them easier to remember!

Unfortunately there are some verbs that do not follow the same pattern and these are shown in the picture to the left.

The endings change depending on the ending and who the verb is describing such as I used to love and They used to read

Lets look at how the end of the verbs would change for Ar verbs

The Ar verb changes...

Step 1

Lets do an example...

Lets examine it closely.

The answer is A!

A, B or C

Lets do an example...

The answer is...

Ser- to be changes to...

Here is our example...

Lets look at the next verb change and the verb is Ir- to go

The answer is...

The answer is...

Pick the right answer!

Our next verb to look at is Ver which means to watch.

Lets do an example to test your knowledge!

Lets attempt the question...

Thanks for watching!!!

Lets look at the possible answers. What do you think?

Lets look into the example.

Here are the changes

Did you get the answer right?

A, B or C

What do we think?

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