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Reliance on Oil


Problems -

  • Oil is a finite resource
  • Current consumption = enough oil to last 40 years
  • Nitrogen (in fertiliser)
  • Acid rain, anoxia, impact upon climate change
  • Oil spills and other environmental issues


  • Saved millions from starvation
  • Better nutrition
  • Farmers' incomes increased


  • Cyclical nature; temporarily solved food crisis but perpetuated further crisis
  • Environmental degradation
  • Worsened those in absolute poverty
  • We are now reliant upon these industrial farming methods

The First

Green Revolution


Food Future

  • Extreme weather events affect crop yields and food security
  • Declining and ageing farmers
  • Domination of supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths
  • Importation brings threat of disease

Methods of

First Green Revolution

  • 1960; expansion hit its limits
  • Unfarmed arable lands no longer available
  • Industrialised methods of farming employed to meet increasing demand
  • Resulted in tripling of grain yields

1. Improved overall 'efficiency' of factory farm system

2. Artificial methods; hydro-charged irrigation water, specialising of crops, introduction of chemical fertilisers

Food Sovereignty in Action: The Global South

Changing The Future


  • The world's largest seed and biotech company
  • Founded in 1901
  • Also produce RoundUp, the world's most popular herbicide and weed killer
  • Manipulates governments, farmers and consumers
  • Produces GMO, Terminator seeds
  • Health effects of GMOs unknown

La Via Campesina

bio-piracy = appropriation of indigenous knowledge and plant material by corporations of global north to increase wealth, profit from the biodiversity of the global South and erode genetic

diversity (therefore creating a dependence on patented seeds).

Brazil: Movimento Dos Trabalhadores (MST):

the Seed Heritage People For the Good of Humanity campaign (2003) which

defends farmers rights to seeds and the Bionatur (1997) organic seed-banking initiative

Malawai: Soils, Food and Healthy Communities (SFHC) project in an

effort to increase food availability and child health by

re-educating farmers about organic methods. Also challenged

gender roles

Empower the masses by:

- learn to educate yourself

-see beyond the biases and agendas within the news

-take action for re-education and to put pressure on both governments and corporations.

-“study the rich and powerful, not the poor and powerless”

(p289 George, How The Other Half Dies)

IAASTD examines “existing and emerging agricultural systems, policies, investments and institutional arrangements [which] hinder or facilitate progress towards equitable and sustainable development”

(Ishii-Eiteman p689)

“People have benefited from unevenly from yield gains [with]benefits accrued disproportionately to better resourced groups in society and transnational corporations over the most vulnerable members of society.”

(Ishii-Eiteman p692)

agroecology =study of ecological processes that operate within agricultural production systems, an ecosystem on agricultural land, constantly evaluating

/ putting focus on the relationship between productivity and

resource conservation.

  • Founded in 1993
  • Peasant movement
  • Coined the term 'food sovereignty'
  • Fighting for the right to land, seeds, water and biodiversity
  • Prioritises local and national economies and markets and empowers peasant and family farmer driven practices


Food Sovereignty


By Jody, Lauren and Rosie

"The man behind France’s ban

on supermarket waste says he

wants the rest of the world to follow suit"

Food Sovereignty

The future of the North?

What Now? The Future of Food

The Second Green Revolution

  • Introduced at the UN World Food Summit in 1996
  • "Food sovereignty is the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and the right to define their own food and agriculture systems. It puts those who produce, distribute and consume food at the heart of food systems and policies rather than the demands of markets and corporations." - Patel, p. 664
  • A technological change in agricultural production through genetic engineering of new crops and food
  • In response to:
  • Rising food prices
  • Fears of peak oil
  • Growing population

“The world's estimated 854 million chronically food-insecure people are not the only target of this [food sovereignty] revolution; it also takes aim at the challenges of feeding the nine billion people who are projected to share our planet by 2050.” – Steven Suppen Challenges to Food Sovereignty (112)

"Food security is a situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy lifestyle"

- Patel, pp. 664

Global Food Crisis

  • 2007-2008
  • Long in the making
  • High increase in food prices global political and economic instability and social unrest
  • Some causes include:
  • Droughts in grain-producing nations
  • Rising oil prices
  • Change in diet in newly prosperous populations


"Today's world has all the physical resources and technical skills necessary to feed the present population of the planet or a much larger one"

- Susan George, How the Other Half Die (p. 23)

Alonso-Fradejas, Alberto et al. 'Food Sovereignty: Convergence And Contradictions, Conditions And Challenges'. Third World Quarterly 36.3 (2015): 431-448. Web.

BBC The Future of Food – Part 1, YouTube video, Moonray, UK. <

George, Susan. How The Other Half Dies. Montclair, N.J.: Allanheld, Osmun, 1977. Print.

George, Susan. Whose Crisis, Whose Future?. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2010. Print.

Institution of Mechanical Engineers 2015, When will oil run out?, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, viewed 24 May 2015, <>.

International Food Policy Research Institute, 2002, Green Revolution: Curse or Blessing?, International Food Policy Research Institute, viewed 24 May 2015,<>.

Ishii-Eiteman, Marcia, and Lim Li Ching. 'The IAASTD Report'. Development 51.4 (2008): 570-573. Web.

Msachi, R.; Dakishoni, L.; Kerr, R. B. Soils, food and healthy communities: working towards food sovereignty in Malawi. Journal of Peasant Studies 2009 Vol. 36 No. 3 pp. 700-706

Manning, R 2004, ‘The Oil We Eat; Following the Food Chain Back to Iraq’, Harper’s Magazine, pp. 37-45.

Patel, R 2009, 'Food Sovereignty', Journal of Peasant Studies, 36:3, pp. 663-706

Pfeiffer, D.A 2013, Eating Fossil Fuels, The Wilderness Publications, viewed 24 May 2015, <>

PlaySpent 2015, Can you make it through the month?, PlaySpent, viewed 3 June 2015, <>

The Greens, 2013, Our Food Future, The Greens, viewed 24 May 2015,<>.

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