The Lemon Test
Jizelle & Izzy
1) It has a secular purpose.
2) Its effect neither inhibits nor advances religions.
3) Being that the law would need to decide whether the Sabbath should be observed on Sundays or Saturdays, it excessively entangles the government and religious institutions in each other's affairs.
3 Parts:
Government aid is deemed constitutional if (1) it has a secular purpose, (2) its effect was neither to inhibit or advance the religion, or (3) it did not entangle the government and religious institutions in each other's affairs.
Lemon Test
10 Commandments
1) It has a secular cause.
2) Its effect does not advance or inhibit religion.
3) It does not excessively entangle the government and religious institutions in each other's affairs.
Government aid will be provided to religious schools if its deemed constitutional by the Lemon Test.
Multiple religious groups wish to pass a law that protects their right to keep holy the Sabbath and not be required to work on the Sabbath by their employers. The people involved in the religious groups belong to different religions, so some observe the Sabbath on Sundays while others observe it on Saturdays.
The Alabama State Legislature wants to pass a law that requires all public schools statewide to post a copy of the Ten Commandments in every classroom. The copies will be donated by a private group and no public funds will be spent. The copy of the Ten Commandments will also have a footnote that states, "The secular application of the Ten Commandments is clearly seen in its adoption as the fundamental legal code of Western Civilization and the Common Law of the United States."
1) It has a secular purpose.
2) Its effect DOES advance and inhibit religion. Because the Ten Commandments would be posted in every public school, it would advance the religion to every student statewide. Therefore, this law does not pass the Lemon Test.
Religion Textbooks
A religious private high school has requested aid from the government to supply new text books to them being that their old ones are outdated.
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