The Bubonic Plague. 16th
Century, Elizabethan Era.
Renee Zhang and Anthea Cheung.
The Bubonic Plague.
Spreading from
town to town
The great plague of Vienna.
The Great Fire of London destroys most of the rats and fleas that carries the plague.
31,159 people
died by August.
17,037 people died by July.
6,137 people died by June.
Great plague of London begins,
43 people died by May.
- In towns and cities people lived very close together and they knew nothing about contagious diseases.
- The disposal of bodies was very filthy and helped to spread the disease.
- The filth that littered streets gave rats the perfect environment to breed and increase their number. It is commonly thought that it was the rats that caused the disease, but the fleas did this. However, rats that enabled the disease to spread very quickly.
- Vinegar Water Treatment: The infected was put to bed, washed with vinegar and rinsed with water.
- Healing by Bleeding: The buboes were cut open to let the plague drain out. The blood was thick, black and had a displeasing smell.
- Pestilence Medicine: The infected person drank a mixture made, day and night.
- The aftermath of the Black Death created several religious, social and economic disturbance which affected the course of the European history.
Divine Punishment
William Shakespeare/
The Elizabethan Era
- William Shakespeare lived in the Elizabethan Era.
- The plague was still very deadly during the 16th Century.
- Elizabethan children and brothers and sister of Shakespeare were stuck down by the plague.
- The people believed that it was God punishing them.
- They blamed it on the Jews and Heretics and so they killed them.
- They believed that their souls were unclean therefore punished themselves in public to show that they were repenting.
What is it?
The Bubonic Plague is a disease of animals that can be very contagious to humans.
- Buboes (inflammatory swelling of the lymphatic glands. Especially in the arm or groin).
- Coughing
- Chills
- High Fevers
- Muscle Cramps
- Bleeding
- Skin colour change
The Elizabethan Era/
Bubonic Plague
During the Elizabethan Era, the Black Death/Bubonic Plague victims would be shut in their houses. The victims were not allowed to leave neither anyone allowed to be let in.