Death Of A Salesman Act II Analysis
Identify at least two communication breakdowns in the scene.
Howard treats Willy similarly to how Willy treats Linda when he was excited about Biff's opportunity. Why did Miller develop this parallel relationship? What does it tell us about Willy?
In Willys "death of a salesman" speech, what could the old salesman's name suggest if it used name symbolism?
Willy makes an ironic statement when he says, "I slept like a dead one." Why is this ironic?
- Interrupting: Howard does not let Willy speak about important matters.
- Arguing: Willy begins to insult Howard.
- To show the fault behind Willy's behaviour.
- It tells us that Willy is a arrogant and hypocritical man who believes that everyone should adore him.
- This is an ironic statement since it has been confirmed that Willy wishes to end his own life.
- Additionally, Willy continuously has flash backs of his deceased elder brother Ben.
- Dave in Hebrew: Cherished and Beloved
- Singleman: He had been a single-man who had been very successful in his endeavors.
Willy gives his speech about Dave Singleman. This speech shows Willy's motivation for the choices he has made and it shows his value system. Why is this speech so important for the audience to understand Willy?
In this scene, Linda intentionally frustrates a possible use of the alternate value system; this is ironic. Study Linda's reasoning and show how this scene is ironic?
In this scene we return to Willy's past and are reintroduced to Ben. Ben comes to see Willy when Willy is at his lowest points. Why? What does Ben represent to Willy?
What does Willy ean when he says that Dave Singleman died "The death of a salesman?" Why is this so important to Willy? Why is this death significant in regards to theme?
- "And when I saw that, I realized that selling was the greatest career a man could want... -when he died, hundreds of salesman and buyers were at his funeral." (81).
- Shows that Willy values fame and fortune.
- Provides background information to Willys motivations to becoming a salesman.
- Linda attempts to create a loving atmosphere for Willy.
- It is ironic due to the way how she treats her sons, and what actually happened at dinner.
Thank you!
- Ben comes to Willy when he is at his lowest point because Ben is someone who was very successful at what he had accomplished.
- Therefore, it gives Willy someone to look up to and motivate him to not give up on himself.
- Ben represents a role model towards Willy mainly for his success and that there is a chance in life regardless of the condition you are in.
- Willy wishes to die with luxury, fortune, fame and have respect from others.
- Dave Singlemans death is significant to the themes: dreams, hopes and plans, success, respect and reputation.
- Willy dreams to have the riches necessary to provide for his family.
Which three adjectives or phrases characterize Howard? In what ways is he like Willy? Why does Howard lack compassion?
How does the mood differ from the mood in the opening scene in Act I?
Both Charley and Ben represent everything Willy wants to attain. Willy sees Ben as an idol, but treats Charley with disdain. Why do you think he treats both of these men differently?
At the beginning of Act 2, Willy say's he'd like to buy some seeds to plant in the backyard. Later, when Ben appears in Willy's imagination, he asks Willy, "What are you building? Lay your hand on it. Where is it? There's a connection between these line. What is the connection?
Do you think this is an accurate representation of Ben? How does Linda react to Ben? Why do you think she reacts this way? (think about Linda's connection with reality and Willy's connection of reality). Do you think Ben is a good and sucessful man as Willy sees him? What type of man, based on both Linda and Willy's reactions, do you think Ben was?
- Howard is stubborn, selfish and unsympathetic.
- He is like Willy when he continuously interrupt him.
- Howard lacks compassion as he only values business.
What does Willy mean when he says, "You can't eat the orange and throw away the peel?" Is Willy justified to feel this way? Why or why not?
- Willy treats Ben and Charley differently because one is dead and the other one is alive.
- Both are successful at what they do/did in which Willy wanted as well.
- Ben is his brother and therefore is happy for him.
- Charley on the other hand is very successful but also has a son that is successful; while Willy’s sons are not.
- Willy also feels insulted by him because of his offerings due to his achievements.
- In Act 1, the mood seems to be angry mainly due to his son coming back home without living up to Willy’s expectations.
- But in the beginning of Act 2, the mood seems to be a lot happier because his son Biff is trying his best to be successful as his father imagined him to be. Therefore, Willy has more hope and confidence in Biff.
- Willy seemed to focus on Bens riches and how he obtained them.
- Linda seems to be skeptical of Ben.
- There is a possiblity that Willy did not see him for who he truly was, similarly to how he sees his sons.
- Ben seemed to be an manipulative and charming based on both reactions.
- “What are you building? Lay your hand on it. Where is it?” (Miller 87).
- The connection between the lines is that, Ben is trying to tell him what he is doing with his life. Ben built things with his hands and became successful at Alaska.
- Meanwhile, Willy is planting seeds with his hands. Ben is trying to tell him with what he is doing right now; there will be no success for him to become a good salesman.
- Willy spent his entire life with the company.
- He feels betrayed by Howard since it was crucial that he maintained a stable income.
- Willy is justified since he is a hard worker and is being cast away from the company due to his old age.