By: Victoria Vernon
Block 4 S.S
ABC book for ancient Greece!
h is for Hellanistic era!
A is for Alexander the great!
o is for olympics!
w is for wrestling!
1. Alexander III of Macedon's parents are King Phillip II and Queen Olympia.
2. He was born in 356 B.C and died in 323 B.C because of malaria at 32 years old.
3. He ruled as king of Macedonia from 336 B.C to 323 B.C
1. The Olympics began in Athens,Greece in 776 B.C
2. MOdern Olymics are held every 4 years, an olympiad
3. In ancient olympics, they did horse racing, running, boxing, gymnastic, etc.
1. It lasted from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B.C to 31 B.C
2. The word “Hellenistic” comes from the word Hellazein, which means “to speak Greek or identify with the Greeks.”
3. Alexander built an empire that stretched from Greece all the way to India that spread Greek ideas and culture from the Eastern Mediterranean to Asia. Historians call this era the “Hellenistic period.”
1. Wrestling was a prominent sport in ancient Greece, and was the main sport of the ancient Olympic Games.
2. The wrestling event had to be the toughest, as there were hardly any rules – and they had to compete naked. Eek! -
3. This event was also part of the pentathlon.
l is for leonidas
s is for sparta!
E is for Euclid!
1. He was born in 530 B.C in Sparta, but died 480 B.C Thermopylae.
2. His death at Thermopylae was seen as a heroic sacrifice because he sent most of his army away when he realized that the Persians had outmaneuvered him.
3. Even though some followed his commands, 300 of Leonidas's fellow Spartans stayed to fight with him.
1. Euclid was a Greek Mathematician born in 300 B.C
2. Often referred to as the "Father of Geometry"
3. His elements are one of the most influential in all of math history
1. Sparta was a powerful military city.
2. The Spartans built one of the finest militaries in the ancient world.
3. All Spartan men were expected to be life long soldiers and training began at the age of 7.
I is for ionian Sea!
B is for battles!
x is for xenocrates!
p is for parthenon!
1. One major battle that Ancient Greece participated in was the Battle of Marathon in 490 B.C
2. Another important battle was the Battle of Salamis in 490 B.C
3. The last battle I am going to mention is the Battle of Thermopylae which took place between 279 B.C and 480 B.C
1. It is a former temple on the Athenian Acropolis.
2. Its construction began in 447 B.C and was completed in 438 B.C
3. It is one of the worlds greatest cultural sacred buildings
1. Xenocrates of Chalcedon was a Greek philosopher.
2. He was born in 396 B.C but died in 314 B.C
3. He was taught by Plato in an Academy, buit after Plato's death, he left Athens.
1. This sea was to the west of Greece and separted Greece from Italy.
2. The Ionian Sea is a part of the Mediterranean Sea positioned south of the Adriatic Sea.
3. The Ionian Islands stretch along the eastern edges of the sea; the main islands are Corfu, Lefkada, Kefallonia and Zakynthos.
f is for Festivals!
M is for mount olympus!
t is for theater!
1. Mount Olympus was where the Greeks beveiled the Gods and Godesses of Greek mythology lived.
2. Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece.
3. It was beleived to be a magnificent place with numerous forests blessed with mild climate, and surrounded by Uranus, the heaven.
1. Modern drama in Ancient Greece began in the 6th Century B.C
2. The audience in the theaters would stomp their feet rather than clapping their hands.
3. Greek actors used masks.
1. Festivals were very important to Ancient Greece.
2. They celebrated the gods and goddesses of greek religion in festivals
3. They were kind of like religious parties
c is for Crete!
q is for queen of heaven!
j is for jewlery!
y is for yakentheia!
1. The people from Crete were not Greek, but they had an important impact on the Ancient Greece culture.
2. The civilization on Crete was called the Minoan civilization.
3. Crete was a really strong and rich empire, and Ancient Greece absorbed their lifestyle.
1. It is a festival held in Sparta.
2. They are still held now in the present.
3. They are like the Macy's Parades to the Greek citizens
1. Queen of Gods is the nickname for Zeus's wife, and sister Hera.
2. She was the supreme goddess, patron of marriage and childbirth, having a special interest in protecting married women.
3. Before her marrige with Zeus, she ruled over the Heavens and Earth
1. Different types of jewelry were produced in the Hellenistic period of Ancient Greece-Necklaces, earrings, pendants, pins, bracelets, armbands, thigh bands, and finger rings.
2. The Greece citizens were very skilled and sucessful jewlers.
3. In the Hellanistic era, jewlery was often passed down from generation to generation.
n is for nemisis!
U is for ulysses!
G is for greek religion!
1. He was a Greek leader in the Trojan War.
2. Ulysses is also known as Odyseuss, the hero of Homer's epic bome "The Odessey".
3. His journey took him 10 years, but it was ubstructed by the sea god Poseidon
1. In Ancient Greece, their religion was based on polythesium meaning they worshiped many gods
2. Each god had a specific power or use in the world like sun god, water god, etc.
3. The main Greek gods, titled the twelve olympians, are called Zues, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes and either Hestia, or Dionysus.
1. Known as the godess of revenge, which is why she has influenced the word nemisis.
2. Nemisis could bring about losses and suffering.
3. Nemesis' parents are either Nyx (Night) alone, Erebos and Nyx, or Ocean and Tethys.
r is for resources!
D is for dark ages
k is for knossos!
z is for Zeus!
1. Some of the resources that were used in , Ancient Greece were ,marble, silver, magnesiem, etc.
2. Fossil fuels (except for lignite) are in short suplly.
3. Oil production near the island of Thasos is limited.
1. Can also be spelled Cnossos
2. The site was occupied long before 3000 BC, and it was the center of an important Bronze Age culture.
3. The city was destroyed in 1700 B.C, possibally by an earthquake or invasion.
1. Also known as the Homeric Age
2. Sea-people (like pirates) caused the Greek culture to fall
3. Happened from 1100 to 800 B.C
1. He was the king of the gods, the god of the sky, weather, law, order and fate.
2. His usual weapons were a lightning bolt or an eagle.
3. He is one of the 12 Olympians.
v is for values!
1. The Greek had values that include loyalty, glory, inteligence, and hospitality.
2. They value a person's dignity.
3. Their values are based on the individual in relation to the family, the local community, and the local community.