What is homelessness?
- People who in a shelter homes and people who live on the streets.
What #2
- People don't want to be judged because of where they live.
What #3
- People who don't have a permanent home.
What #4
- A person with out an adequate night time place of abode.
How Big is homelessness?
- Since the late 1990's it ranged from 700,00 per. night
How Big #2
- Since the late 1990's homelessness ranged form 2 million a year
How Big #3
- 1996 survey 30% have been homeless for more than 2 years
How to help homeless people????
- You can pray for the homeless people.
(Matty highly sugeests this)
How to help #2
- Talk to them to make them feel important to society
How to help #3
- Volunteer time to help them
Thanks For Watching :)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (remember to pray!)
By:Avery, Skyler, & Matty-Poo