The Car Culture
- The material that the cars used in the 1950s was steel.
- The steel from the 1950s is heavier then the steel from 2014 witch is lighter.
- The term "Hot Rod" became mainstream.
- Magazine called Hot Rod was very popular in the 1950s.
- Drag racing and Nascar.
What's came with it.
- Business was growing with the era.
- New things such as drive-in or drive through dinner start to expand.
- Included McDonald's and Sonic.
- There was also the drive-in theater.
- Which you can park you car and watch a movie.
The Styles
- The most popular style of that time is the tailfins on either the rear or front of the car.
- They made out of chrome mostly.
- And it's gave a Space Age(1957) look to the car.
The Difference Between
The 1950s and Today
- The culture.
- Styles and models.
- Materials.
- "Side Dishes"
Reference Page
The 1950s Car Culture