Urology Surgical Home
From CPC all lab reqs, EKG reqs and consult orders will immediately be inputted.
Patient will be notified by immediate email where to go, with 'alert cc' to Urology scheduling to provide patient directions or other assistance
IF patient has PCP, or outside labs, above results requested by Surgical scheduler (at this time) to be routed to CPC.
For Cystectomies and Nephrectomies
Based on this interview, and review of AQ, provider will verbally provide instructions to patient for further preoperative testing at time of this visit.
At time of INITIAL clinic visit, patient directed to Kiosk in private setting, to fill out AQ, via online form.
Click 'Send' for automatic routing to designated email for Urologic Surgical Home Patients at CPC.
It all starts with the patient!
Within designated time period (5-10 minutes) a Microsoft 'Lync' real time interview between designated CPC clinical provider and patient.
Initial Intake, Scheduling of Surgical procedure in Urology clinic
All lab results, EKG, consults routed to CPC. If concerns, follow up to Urology office and patient prior to scheduled surgical date.