Liesels purpose
Liesel's Purpose
- Max is an inspiration
- Max writes stories for Liesel
- Has a friend 24/7
- Learned from each other
- Max gives Liesel courage
- Liesel relates to Max
- Both went through similar life
- Look out for each other
- Shows her the real world
- Has something to fight for
- German
- Is a child
- Has a foster family
- Accepted by the community
- Likes to draw
- Jewish
- Is an adult
- Alone
- Hiding
- Live in Germany
- Tragic past
- Live in the same house
- Against the Nazi
- Like to write and read
- Left their real family
- Being protected
- Enjoy literature
Their Friendship
Question and Thesis
- Talked about Liesel's brother
- Read together
- Talk about their hobbies and past
- Enjoyed each others company
- Shared their nightmares
Their Friendship
- Compare and contrast the lives of Liesel and Max Vandenburg, How does Max’s life give Liesel purpose? At what point do Liesel and Max become friends? Max gives Liesel a story called “The Standover Man” for her birthday. What is the significance of this story?
- In The Book Thief Liesel ad Max share a similar, tragic past but live entirely different lives, these are what bring them both together.
- Together most of the time
- Liesel shared the outdoors to Max
- Max helped Liesel read and learn
- Helped solve each others problems
- shared secrets
- Could communicate with each other rather easily.
The Standover Man
- A friend to talk to at all times
- They can both relate to losing someome that they love
- Both taught each other valuable life lessons
- Have a lot in common
- The book is about Max's life
- "Standover man" is his father
- Max was always in a fight
- "The bird" is Max
- Talks about his childhood and how he grew up
- They are both happy
- Have someone there to talk to
- Not so alone
- Have someone to relate to
- Have someone who understands them
Max and Liesels relationship was a very key component to the book. They had impacted each others lives in so many positive ways making them closer friends every single day. This book would not have been the same without these 2 characters meeting.
The Standover Man
- Talks about the Hubermanns
- Friendship
- Liesel was Max's best friend
- All about him and Liesel
The Relationship of Max and Liesel