Happy some land, which all for freedom gave,
Happier the men whom their own virtues save;
Thrice happy we who long attacks have stood,
And swam to Liberty thro' seas of blood;
The time shall come when strangers rule no more,
Nor cruel madness vex from Britain's shore;
6 Nation's Reserve
The 6 Nations that live in the reserve are the : Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca, Onondaga, and the Tuscarora. Together , under the Great Tree of Peace , they are the 6 Nations . During the American Revolution , the Mohawk leader Thayendanegea (also known as Joseph Brant ) led them away from the Iroquois Confederacy to ally themselves with the British . After the war , the 6 Nations were given(deeded) a large tract of land by the Grand River. This piece of land was slowly striped away from them and reduced to the 46 000 acres of land they have at the present .
THe loyalists had left all if not most of their belongings in the 13 colonies ( land, money, valuables, ect....)
Eastern Townships and the Township System
Who Were the Loyalists?
The loyalists were American Colonists who supported Great Britain during the American Revolution . To determine who was legibale for compensation due to war losses , Britain developed a very precise definition for a loyalist : a loyalist is a person who was born or was living in the american colonies during the beggining of the American Revolution and they remained loyal to Britain ; they then moved out of America soon after the war was over. Here is a chat decipting their numbers :
Percent opposed to Revolution 15%
Number opposed to Revolution 375 000
Number of Loyalists who left 100 000
Number who went to B.N.A. 50 000
The Influence of the Loyalists on British North America