duck shooting presentation
present by Natalie Maroki, Maria Prokudina, Angelique Tagaroulias, Zilong Chen & Charlotte Stephens
- Established in 1948
- 33,000 members and 17 branches in Victoria
- Official NGO status within the UN
- Lobbies State and Federal Governments on behalf of members
key message:
Target Audience:1
Current Members
Current membership: 160,000 across Australia
33,000 in Victoria
Primarily male, but growing among young people
Duck hunting is a responsible and ethical activity that provides economic benefits for the state of Victoria
To protect and promote responisble duck shooting and to improve public perceptions of duck shooting
Target Audience 2:
Government and regulators
Current Legislation
Target Audience 3:
Regional Victoria
- Game Management Authority, Depatment of Environment and Primary Indstry, Parks Victoria, Minister for Agriculture and Food Security, Shadow Minister for Agriculture.
- Good working relationship with governemnt and regulatory bodies
- Higher unemployment and lower investment
- Direct economic benefit from duck season
- Higher proportion of primary producers and hunters
- 2 main communication channels - website & facebook
- Lobby government directly to achieve objectives
- advertise duck hunting season dates on facebook page and website
- Twitter
- Produce a range of national publications (monthly, quarterly and annual magazine
Strengths - Strong reputation as a professional, responsible and ethical organisation
Weaknesses - Negative perception by association
Opportunities - a growing sporting activity, merging international markets, changing demographics
Threats - Public opposition / activism to duck shooting
- Bag limits (10 ducks per day)
- permits and licenses
- hunting areas
- hunting seasons (15 March - 19 June)
Current Communication Practices
1. Increase social media following
2. Increase the sharing of posts and re-tweets on social media
3. Better compliance of rules and regulations
- Promote social media pages
- Increase activity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- Share videos on social media
- Promote responsible and safe hunting practices
- Overall engagement with members
- Social media following and engagement
- Membership numbers
- Comparison of illegal activity in previous years
Government and regulators
1. Maintain government support for current duck hunting season arrangements and regulation, ensuring a full season in 2015.
2. Possibly, achieve an increase of bag limit, depending on environmental factors
Governemtna and regulators
- Presentation and recommendations for Game Management Authority Board
- Email to the minister directly, outlining the position and reinforcing recommendations
- Maintain regular contact with relevant departments and agencies in the lead-up to the announcement and beyond
Government and regulators
- Duck hunting season announcement
To increase awareness of the benefits of duck shooting to regional communities and increase public support for duck season.
- Implement a radio and newspaper campaign
- Key messages:
- $100 million annual benefit to regional towns
- Wild game is the ultimate free-range produce
- New award-wining game cookbook
- Most hunters are responsible and ethical
- Call to action: email your local state member
- Telephone surveys pre- and post- campaign to measure affect. Aim is 25% improvement.
- The number of petition emails sent from our site.
- Audience reach through radio and newspapers.