Narrative vs Persuasion
What is persuasive writing?
What is narrative writing?
- Overall object is to tell a story
- Written in first person
- Contains characters, dialogue and descriptive language
- Typically has a setting, plot, resolution and theme
- Overall object is to change audience opinion on a topic
- Written in third person
- Contains central argument with supporting details and evidence
- Typically has an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion
Where do we see persuasive writing?
- advertisements (print and TV)
- letters to the editor
- campaigns
- any others?
What is informative writing?
When to use persuasive writing...
- Overall object is to share information with audience
- Written in third person
- Contains facts instead of opinions
- Typically has a thesis statement followed by relevant facts and statistics
- To change the audiences opinion about a topic
- To encourage the audience to act on an issue