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OT Evaluation & Treatment for PHAs
Participants will:
- learn about the impact of HIV on the health and lifestyles of PHAs
- become aware of evidence-based OT evaluation and treatment for PHAs
Healthy Immune System
A retrovirus that replicates within the human body and infects the white blood cells of the immune system
CD4 cells
- A type of white blood cell
- Help recognize infection
- Coordinate immune system
- Ensure a number of other immune cells function properly
Systemic Impacts of HIV
Conceptualizing HIV & its impact on health
- Cardiovascular
- Pulmonary
- Musculoskeletal
- Metabolic & Endocrine
- Renal
- Gastrointestinal
- Neurological
- Neurocognitive
- Malignancy
Why OT?
Occupational Therapy & HIV:
a 'Positive' Future
Implications for Occupational Therapy
Nine Circles Community Health Centre
Dawn James, OT Reg (MB)
Nine Circles Community Health Centre
Manitoba Society of Occupational Therapists
Gayle Restall and Jacquie Ripat,
University of Manitoba
Theoretical Models of Practice
Developing an Occupational Therapy Intervention
Theoretical Models of Practice
Activities of Daily Living
- Behavioural/Acquisitional
- Person-Environment-Occupation Model (PEO)