What is Ground Transportation?
- Refers to the public & private movement of people via land vehicles in association with airports.
- Transportation between a hotel and airport or cruise ship and other transport, usually using shuttle buses or rail transportation.
Congestion, Safety & Security
- Ensuring safety & security in transportation is basic requirement for tourism.
- Concerns including the durability of the way (structure), weather, terrorism, etc.
The main transportation used in China is bicycle. Women are not allowed to drive in Arab countries. Volvo stands for 'I roll' in Latin.
USA is the world leader in car ownership.
- Serious congestion affects most passenger transportation modes, particularly on roads and at airports during peak periods.
- In major cities there is the danger if reaching gridlock.
- Congestion means a serious waste of time and energy.
- What are the Top 10 Most Traffic Congested Cities in the World?
The Concerns in Ground Transportation
2 Types of Ground Transportation
- An increase in traffic due to world tourism growth puts pressure on transportation facilities and this can have adverse effects.
- Situations in the world vary widely within regions, countries, states and province. Even so, the problem seem to be the same all over the world.
- Those needing the urgent attention of policymakers are as follows:
- Congestion
- Safety & security
- Environment
- Seasonality
- Public - Public ground transportation generally refers to common modes, such as taxis, buses, shuttles and railroads.
- Private - Private ground transportation, especially in the livery business, is associated with rental cars and limousines.
End of Presentation
Environment & Seasonality
- An increase in traffic may harm the environment if an area does not have the carrying capacity for additional tourist.
- Transportation planning must take economic, social, cultural and natural resource costs into account when designing expanded facilities.
- Seasonal patterns of travel demand create overcrowding at certain times. Conversely low occupancies and load factors will occur at other periods.
- At peak travel periods the problem of congestion, security and the environment become more severe.