Setting Expectations
Issues Faced by Managers
- Positive and negatives to setting high expectations
- Employees are unique
- Setting unique expectations for each employee
What Managers Did Well
Issues in Workforce
- Difficult managing several employees at once
- Half employees were self-driven, half needed extra guidance
Team Group Process
- Written vs. Non-written expectations
- Rewards (monetary vs. non-monetary)
- Higher expectations leading to higher performance
- Team Development
- Virtual team
- Task and Relationship roles
- Every manager clearly and distinctly expressed their expectations whether verbally or contractually
- Acknowledging that different employees are motivated differently
- Regular checkups
1. Lack of Clarity
2. Communication(lack of, too much, miscommunication)
3. Feedback/Tracking Performance
How companies address issues
- Clearly define rewards for surpassing/meeting expectations
- Clearly define consequences for failing to meet expectations
- Do not generalize expectations - discuss expectations of each employee individually
- Have the optimal amount of employees to manage
1. Set clear goals and clarify
2. Take action prom ptly, common communication source
3. Provide consistent feedback
- self-evaluations