Aim: to promote healthy eating and a well balanced diet and lifestyle among people today
- We think that most people realize the effects of an unhealthy diet, but on a lower scale that's less severe
- A healthy diet is a lot harder and more complicated than exercising in P.E. 3 times a week and eating a few servings of fruits and vegetables
- Eating in proportion, eating balanced, exercising
Healthy Eating
sara, farah, and hannah
U.a.e. health facts
According to UAE Health Authority survey in 2005
- 12.1% of adolescents were overweight and 21.5% were at risk of being overweight
- 18% ate at a fast food restaurant on three or more of the last 7 days
- 25.6% usually drink carbonated soft drinks two or more times per day during the last 30 days;
- 20% were physically active on all 7 days for a total of at least 60 minutes per day during a typical or usual week
- 5th most obese country in the world as of 2012, behind the U.S.A., Kuwait, and Qatar
- Over 60% of U.A.E. nationals are overweight
eating disorders
1. Do you think you live a healthy lifestyle?
5. are you physically active?
- Everyone said they were physically active in some way, whether that meant that they do after school sports or get their 1 hour of exercise from P.E. class
binge eating disorder
how it should be
7. what would you do to make your lifestyle more healthy?
3. How important is healthy eating?
- Exercise more
- Try to eat more fruits and vegetables and less junk food
- Eat a more balanced diet
- Smile more :)
- Everyone we interviewed said that healthy eating was very important
6. do you think exercise is just as important as healthy eating?
- Obesity is a condition when your BMI is 30 or higher.
- 75% of the population in the UAE is overweight or obese
- Emirati adults who are overweight or obese make up 35% of the total population
- eating unusually large portions of food
- eating even when full, or not hungry
- eating rapidly during binge episodes
- eating until you are uncomfortably full
4. have you ever had an eating disorder?
- Out of everyone we surveyed, no one admitted to having an eating disorder
2. What is a healthy diet to you?
- Eating proteins and vitamins
- Being balanced with all foods- eating from all 5 food groups (within proportion)
- Eating fruits and vegetables and carbs and meat
- Not eating too much oily foods
- Not consuming too many calories
- Exercising
All aspects of having a well balanced, healthy diet and our recommendations
- living in fear of becoming overweight
- feeling that you cannot control your eating behavior
- eating until the point of discomfort or pain
- forcing yourself to vomit everything you have eaten
are you still mad you "only" lost half a kilo?
ideal meal
- A recent study found that it’s far better to be fit and overweight than to be simply thin
- Women who didn’t do any exercise, including the slim ones, were far more at risk for heart attacks, while women with some extra pounds but a generally fit body (thanks to exercise) were less at risk
other specified feeding or eating disorders
A feeding or eating disorder that causes significant distress or impairment, but cannot be compared with other eating disorders.
- drastic weight loss
- fear of becoming overweight, even when too thin
- distorted body image
- abnormal food preoccupations
- fine hair growing on face and arms
- excessive dieting and excersize
Foods to include
healthy eating and dieting are not the same thing!
- Try to include food from all areas of the food pyramid
- Half your plate of fruits and vegetables, vegetables taking up a little more space than fruits
- Grains and proteins should take up the other half, about equally
- Glass of mild or small portion of dairy on the side
fruits and vegetables
- There should be slightly more vegetables than fruits
- Vegetables darker in color and more colorful, are more healthy for you
- Ex- Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta
- Whole grains instead of redefined grains
- Redefined grains lose minerals, vitamins, and fiber when processed
- Ex- Wheat flour vs. white flower
- Ex- Meat, cheese, poultry, nuts
- Seafood and white meat are the best types of meat for your body because they are lean
- Red meat is still important to a healthy diet, but you shouldn't eat it as often because it is rich in saturated fats
Grains provide energy for your body
Proteins for cell growth- skin, hair, muscles, fingernails
Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals and fiber
Dairy helps build and strengthen bones and provides your body with vitamins
Water helps balance body fluid, energize muscles, and helps body function
Nowadays, health food is more expensive than junk food
Advertising plays a huge role in increasing obesity rates
Fast food restaurants that commonly contain MSG
- McDonald's
- Burger King
- Taco Bell
- Applebees
Some foods that contain MSG
- Pringles (seasoned kind)
- Doritos
- A lot of packaged foods
MSG- sodium salt that tricks your brain into thinking food tastes better than it does