The Kite Runner
repeating of a word or phrase; a common rhetorical device used to add emphasis and stress in writing and speech
The central idea, topic, or point of a story, essay, or narrative
There are multiple themes throughout the story including:
- The quote that signifies this literary device is this: "For you, a thousand times over", and has been utilized multiple times in the book.
- One part of this story where it is written is when Hassan tells this to Amir after helping him win the kite running competition. (pg 67) This shows the level of friendship and loyalty Hassan has towards Amir. He was always happily there to help him and was always dedicated to be a good friend to him.
- Another part of the book when this quote is used is towards the end of the book, when Amir says it while he is flying a kite next to Sohreb. (pg 371) By Amir saying this to Sohreb, it shows Amir's efforts of trying to redeem himself from his mistakes by becoming a father figure to his half nephew.
Sin, Betrayal, Guilt, Redemption
- This is considered the main theme of the book. This starts off with when Amir was a coward to defend Hassan and witnesses the incident when Hassan gets raped by Assaf and some of his friends. Later on Amir feels guilty of not helping out Hassan. Because of this, Amir feels that Hassan's life would be better without him. As a result, Amir commits a "sin" when he sets up Hassan for stealing his things; this is the cause that makes Hassan and Ali move out of the house.
- When Amir visits Rahim Khan in Afghansitan, Amir finds out about Hassan's son, Sohreb, and how Hassan and him are half-brothers. He believes that in order to redeem himself from the mistakes he committed to Hassan, he made his mission to find Sobreb and take him to a safe place. Eventually Amir decides to adopt him in the United States.
Love and Loyalty
- This can be considered as one of the minor themes of the story. In The Kite Runner, there are many instances that portray the love and loyalty that Hassan has for Amir, like when he stands up for him during childhood, and later on in life when he defends Amir's house from the Taliban, risking his life doing so. Amir showed his love for in an unusual way: by being hostile towards Hassan after the raping incident because he felt that his life would be better if he was not involved.
two contradicting meanings of the same situation, event, image, sentence, phrase, or story; refers to the difference between expectations and reality.
- One example of irony is when Amir was willing to do anything in order to get Sohreb. Amir is successful at doing this by fighting Assaf. This is ironic because throughout the story, Amir considers himself a coward since he could not stand up for himself or for someone else. This time, however, Amir decides to stand up for Sohreb because he was determined to do anything in order to redeem himself, even if that included sacrificing his life. Amir felt that by fighting Assaf, it would release the guilt that he has hold a grudge on for many years.
When Amir wins the kite fighting tournament, he finally gets praises from his father. However on the same day, Hassan gets beaten up and raped by Assaf and his friends, who make fun of Hassan and Amir, being a Pashtun and a Hazara, hanging out together. Believing that his life would be better without him, Amir sets up Hassan by placing some items under Hassan's bed. Eventually Ali and Hassan leave the house.
the structural framework that underlies the order and manner in which a narrative is presented to a reader, listener, or viewer
The story jumps five years later in 1979, when the Russians intervene in Afghanistan. Amir and Baba move to Pakistan and then to Fremont, California. Amir becomes a writer, go on the flea market on Sundays with his father to sell used goods, and eventually gets married to a woman named Soraya. Shortly after the marriage ceremony, Baba passes away from cancer.
The story first starts off in Afghanistan in 1975 with a boy named Amir and his father named Baba. They are wealthy Pashtuns living in Afghanistan and have two servants living with them: Hassan and Ali, Hazaras who are also father and son. Both of their sons and fathers are friends and spent their childhood together. Throughout most of his childhood, Amir competes to get his father's love because he feels that his father's attention is more towards Hassan than him. In addition, Amir's father is hostile towards him because he wanted to become a writer when he gets older, but Baba's friend Rahim Khan encourages him to continue writing.
- The story is split into four distinct parts, each indicated by a date written next to the chapter (December 2001, March 1981, Fremont, California, 1980s, June 2001). By keeping it structured this way, it make it easier to identify the important parts of the story. The events of Hassan's incident with Assaf and eventual leaving of the house are two events that represents Amir's guilt that follows him throughout the story. Another one is 2001 when Amir went through many troubles to get Sohreb, hoping to free himself from the guilt he has carried a burden on and to get redemption for himself.
Again the story shifts to 2001, when Rahin Khan calls Amir and tells him to go to Pakistan. There, Rahim Khan tells him all about Hassan and his wife, and how the Taliban killed them. He also tells Amir about Hassan's son, Sohreb, and pleads him to go get him from the orphanage and take him to a safer place. Amir also finds out the reason why Baba's attention was more focused on Hassan during childhood: he was Baba's illegitimate son. At first, Amir is furious because of the fact that Rahim Khan and Baba kept this information from him and Hassan, but later on accepts it. When Amir searches for Sohreb with the help of a man named Farid, he ends up crossing paths with Assaf. Eventually Amir rescues Sohreb from Assaf. After many struggles, Amir takes Sohreb for adoption to the United States.
Shift in Point of View
shift from one point of view to another (eg. from first person point of view to third person point of view)
the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense
- Almost the whole story is told in Amir's point of view, except for one chapter (chapter 16 pgs 203-223). This chapter is primarily focused on Rahim Khan, when he tells Amir of Hassan's life after he and his father left the house. In addition, Rahin Khan reveals a secret that him and Baba have kept hidden: that Amir and Hassan are half-brothers. This is significant because it serves as the turning point of the story. By learning about the tragic story of Hassan and his family and the secret, Amir decides that he wants to redeem himself of the sins and guilt that he has kept inside himself for a long time and he knew he can accomplish this by finding Hassan's son.
- One of the main symbols of the story is the kite. The kite has been used to represent Amir's and Hassan's friendship, Amir's guilt and betrayal towards Hassan, and Amir's road to redemption with Sohreb. In their childhood days, Amir and Hassan spend a lot of time together flying kites. In this instance, the kites represent a happy moment between but it also represents an unfortunate one. The kite also represents the betayal when Amir won the kite running tournament with Hassan's help but when Amir sees Hasssan getting raped by Assaf, he becomes a coward, watches the incident happen, and decides not to help him. However at the end of the book when Amir attempts kite flying with Sohreb, it can be considered as a shift to happy moment again because the kite serves as a "father-to-son" moment between the both of them.
Janet Hernandez
October 27, 2016
Period 6
AP English Lit