How it got its name
- Gothic architecture was first called "the French style"
- The word "Gothic" was used later during the Renaissance as an insult
- In fact, the architecture had nothing to do with the Goths, a tribe of people who attacked Rome in the early middle ages.
- Giorgio Vasari used the word :Gothic: in the 1530s because he thought buildings from the middle ages were not built as accurately as Renaissance buildings.
- Later, people used "Gothic" to describe buildings with pointed arches.
- 1100-Gothic architecture was formed because of an engineering challenge to figure out how to span stone surfaces for even greater heights
- 1140-The Royal Abbey of St. Denis was the first to truly show the Gothic style.
- 1170-New innovations are formed including the pointed arch stone ribs, the flying buttress, and stained glass.
- 1284-Architects compete with each other to create the tallest buildings until the tallest of them, Beauvais collapsed.
Contributions to the Gothic Architecture
- We still use the early Gothic style which represented a series of experiments
- Some succeeded others didn't and Gothic builders had to rebuild many cathedrals which collapsed.
- The other high Gothic style which began with the construction if the Charters Cathedral.
- These builders were the first kind the include, from the original plan , a flying buttress.
Buildings During The Gothic Time
- Chartres Cathedral in France
- Church of St.Denis
- Notre Dame Cathedral
- St. Patrick's Cathedral
Gothic Elements Used Today
Gothic Buildings Today
- Today many colleges use this style including: Yale, Harvard, and Duke
- In New York architecture there are many gargoyles and pointed arches
- Also many churches today use Gothic style including: Notre Dame, St. Patrick's Cathedral, and the Church of St. Denis
- They made medallions that form the illustrations in the bible.
- They emulate stained glass
- In the beginning of 1250 it informs they built monumental statues and small ivory figurines.
- A Gothic cathedral, or abbey, was prior to the 20th century, generally the landmark
- Towers and pinnacles and tall spires were the main elements used in the Gothic period
- Stone skeleton comprised of cluster columns, pointed ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses.
Campbell, Thomas P. "Gothic Art". Heilbrunn Timeline of Art
History.2013. Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1/27/14.
Caven,Jackie. "Gothic Architecture". About Architecture. 2013.
About.Com. 1/22/14.
Charles, Victoria. Gothic Art. New York: Parkstone Press
International, 2008.
Fuetech, John. "Gothic Architecture". Argenta Price. 1997.
Think Quest. 1/17/14.
Hinkie, William H. "Gothic Enterprise." Encarta. 2000.
University of California. 1/30/14
Lace, William W. The Medieval Cathedral. San Diego, California:
Lucent Books, 2001.