Expectations for each student in this class:
1. On time and seated with notebook and a writing utensil.
2. Quiet and respectful throughout the lesson.
3. Working actively and quietly on the assigned material.
4. In your assigned seat throughout the period.
Learning Objective: You will be able to use the revolve tool to create an object that is radially symmetric.
Essential Question: What is the role of 2D in designing for 3D?
123D Design Demo
Do Now: Look closely at the picture below. How do you think the three objects are related?
Period 6 Seating Chart
Period 2 Seating Chart
Unit 3: Applications of 3D Printing
Today's Classwork
Go to your Google Drive and open 3.02 Daily Assignment
- Part 1 (due today): Watch three videos on Sketches and Text in 123D Design. Answer all questions on the videos.
- Part 2 (due today): Design a business card in 123D Design and submit the design through our online form.
- Part 3 (due today): Create three objects by revolving: one that matches the object made in the video, the other two, your choice... Be creative!
- No listening to music while watching and taking notes on the videos.
- After completing the videos and answering all the associated questions, it will be alright to listen to music.
To save your assignment:
1. Save to your computer's Documents folder.
2. Open Google Drive in your browser.
3. Upload your saved design to the Applied CS folder of your Google Drive.