Heads of the house of Montagues. And both married to each other.
Lord and lady Capulet mother and father of Juliet and heads of the Capulet house.
Romeo son of Sir Montague and Lady Montague. Husband to Juliet Capulet.
Juliet Capulet daughter of the Capulet's and wife to Romeo .
Friar Laurence is a holy man and helps Romeo and Juliet and is one of the few to know about the marriage. He is not apart of either family and stays neutral throughout it all. Serving as a friend and someone who is there for all.
Tybalt cousin of Juliet and nephew of the Capulets's.Also the man who killed Mercutio and was killed by Romeo.
The Nurse is a key figure in Juliet's life serving as a mother and someone whos there to help Juliet when in need. Even though she's a servant her relationship with Juliet makes her a friend. The Nurse was also the second character to know about the secret marriage to Romeo.
Paris is a friend of the Capulet's and the man that Juliet's parents wanted her to marry. Paris was also a kinsman.
Romeos best friend and close friend of the Montagues even though unrelated. He is known to be humorous and witty.
Romeo's dedicated server who also brought Romeo the news of Juliet's death not knowing the Friar's plan.
Cousin and close friend to Romeo and the Montagues Nephew.
What Was William Shakespear's Inspiration For Romeo And Juliet.
What Happened To Romeo And Juliet.
What Was The Ancient Grudge In Romeo And Juliet.
The grudge was never explained and may never be. But some say it was just pure envy and Jealousy the families had for one another competing to be better and that lead to the utter hate and discussed they had. Also another is that Verona was known for it's Painters and Architects so the the Capulet's and Montague's could have been rivaling businesses and as the rivalry grew overtime it got worse to the point the couldn't stand each other and fights would break out.
Both stories share allot of similarities. In Romeo and Juliet they also have a tragic end because Juliet's parents are forcing her to marry Paris when she is already married to Romeo in secret. This leads her to meet up with friar Laurenece and he comes up with a plan to give Juliet a potion to make her seem dead so she won't have to marry Paris. Since Romeo was kicked out of Verona he is unaware of what is happening and the friar sends Romeo a letter explaing it all but it fails to arrive and Romeo learns of her supossed deth and heads back to Verona to see her body in the tomb where he will drink poison to kill himself. But Juliet wakes to see Romeo's body and is full of greif so she uses Romeo's swords to commit suicide so they can be together.
It is thought that his inspiration for this story came from Greek Mythology a story called Pyramus and Thisbe. Pyramus and Thisbe were two lovers in the city of Babylon who lived in connected houses but were separated by a wall and the two lovers were forbidden to get married due to the rivalry between the two's parents and the only way the could speak was between a crack in the wall. And one night they decide to meet near a tomb and speak of their feelings for each other. Thisbe is the one to get there first when she spots a lion who just caught a prey she then runs dropping her veil. When Prymus finally arives he sees Thisebe's veil and is horrified by the blood thinking that it was Thisbe and assumed a beast had killed her. He then decides to kill himself with his sword because he was mourning and didn't wasnt to be without her. Thisbe comes back awaiting to tell Pyramus what had happened she saw his body laying under a tree and is filled with grief and also decides to kill herself with PYramus's sword.