Life of W.E.B. DuBois and Nina Gomer DuBois
Stafford, Mark, and John Davenport. W.E.B. Du Bois: Scholar and Activist. Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2005. Print.
Girod, Christina. "United Negro College Fund." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.
"civil rights movement." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.
"W.E.B. Du Bois." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.
Nina Gomer
- Born: Illinois 1871
- Parents were C.S. Gomer and Jeanette Pease
Nina died in 1950
William married Shirley Graham
William died on August 27, 1963, at the age of 95, in Ghana
W.E.B. Education
- Was passed down great knowledge
- Went to Great Barrington Highschool in 1881
- One of a dozen to graduate
- Fisk University in Nashville Tennessee 1885
- Half a year before he set out for fisk, his mother died
- Graduate June 1888 and only spent 3 years at the college
- DuBois attended Harvard University after earning his degree at Fisk
The Souls of Black Folks
William's parents
- Mother- Mary Burghardt
- Father- Alfred DuBois
- partly French ancestry
- born in 1825
- small, handsome, wavy hair
- after W.E.B. was born, Alfred set off for New Milford, Conneticut
- 40 miles away from Great Barrington
- promised to write Mary and William once he settled
- never saw or heard from him ever again
"... one even feels his two-ness--- an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings, two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder."
W.E.B. Early Life
Born: February 23, 1868
Great Barrington, MA
Du Bois taught at Wilberforce University in Ohio
It was here he met and married Nina Gomer, a student in 1896
The couple had two children, Burghardt and Yolande
Burghardt died as a baby
Yolande was described as self-indulgent, underachieving, chronically overweight, and often ill